Prologue - The Stranger

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The bustle of laughter and clinking glasses obscured Sonic's senses as he maneuvred through the crowded room. He caught a glance of the person currently on the stage: a drunken teenage girl 'singing' to "Don't Stop Me Now". From the look of it, someone did need to stop her before she shattered everyone's eardrums.

The hedgehog chuckled and shook his head. He had respect for anyone who tried karaoke, even if they weren't the best at it. Just imagining messing up in front of so many people made him shiver.

He switched back to the problem at hand; he was lost. Perking his ears, he scanned the mass of bargoers around him...

He caught the gaze of what looked to be an employee, who sported a predatory grin on his face. The employee blinked at the hedgehog before his simper expanded even wider. "Hey! You!"

Sonic froze. "What...?" 

The employee marched towards the speedster, his jovial eyes twinkling. He stopped in front of the hedgehog and promptly took his hands. "Congrats! You've been chosen for the Karaoke Duet!"

"Wait, what are yo-" The hedgehog's sentence was interrupted once again.

"And your partner...Will be her!" 

Suddenly, all heads were turned to the unexpected victim of the employee's pointer figure...A rather short fox, with two fluffy tails sprouting from her backside. The kit was halfway through stuffing her face with the chips at the snack table and blinked in confusion as all focus switched to her.

"Now get up there, you two! The world awaits!"

Sonic balked, slowly stepping backward. The crowd had turned on him, chanting; "Get on stage! Get on stage!"

"Y-you don't understand! I'm not here to si-"

"Unless..." The employee chimed in once more, circling the sputtering hedgehog. "you're chicken!?!" 

Okay, now that was too far! Sonic the Hedgehog was anything but chicken! He was was a hedgehog! But he wasn't a singer either- what happens if he doesn't know the lyrics of the song? What if his voice cracks on a high note? What if...

ENOUGH WHAT IFS! A voice shrieked in his head, overtaking his conscious. You've been singing since you were in diapers, wise one! Even if you mess up, half these people are drunk anyway! Enough what ifs, and just hope to god that girl you're singing with is an angel or something. Get up there!

Sonic took a deep breath. He clenched his fists and avoided eye contact with those around him. He walked up to the stage, staring intently at his shoes.

So there he was, stood in front of the mic and beside the two-tailed fox girl, who was nervously staring at the crowd. Sonic spared her a glance but quickly turned away.

Then, the music began to play.

Sonic's eyes widened.

Oh gosh, anything but this song, anything but this song, anything but-

Then, the lyrics were displayed on the wide screen behind them. 

There was no doubt anymore. It was the most cliche song in existence, and Sonic was sure that the gods had a grudge against him.

My Heart Will Go On, in bold, black font.

The hedgehog sighed in agony and prepared himself for the first verse.

"Every night in my dreams 

I see you, I feel you

That is how I know you go on..." 

The note left his mouth awkwardly, and he could hear snickers in the crowd. Oh, this was great. Just great.

"Far across the distance

And spaces between us

You have come to show you go on..." 

He continued despite his urge to quit. He poured in a bit more effort, increasing the volume of his voice.

The color of the lyrics changed, signifying it was the fox's turn to sing. The kit's eyes dilated and dread practically radiated from her body.

Trembling, she opened her mouth...

"Near, far, wherever you are

I believe that the heart does go on"

And that's when the audience and Sonic realized that the female fox wasn't female at all. 

Sonic blinked, turning to the fox in surprise. He could tell it was the two-tail's voice, there was no doubt about that. And it was...beautiful. 

The impromptu singers caught each other's gaze, sapphire against emerald.

They were pulled back into the song, and the fox continued on the next few lines, voice light and pleasant.

When Sonic's turn came again, he found himself swaying to the music, a smile adorning his features. 

They began to harmonize, beaming at the crowd. Sonic quickly found the kit's smile was infectious, almost irresistible.

Soon, the chorus came, and the two were lost in the music.

Two strangers, singing a cliche love song in a cliche karaoke bar.

Would it be silly to call it fate?

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 30, 2019 ⏰

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