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   8 reasons to live

   taehyung wasn't doing too well.

dating jeongguk was amazing, but it had its downfalls. for instance; when he started a relationship with his favorite idol, he didn't expect the hate to be so terrible.
   of course he knew there would be some, from some obsessed sasaengs. but turns out, a lot of the fans seemed to dislike him.

   they thought he was annoying, they thought he was using jeongguk for his money and fame, and they thought he just overall weird. some of the fans were into him wearing feminine clothes, but a majority weren't. he was a boy after all, and boys don't belong in girls clothes. right?

   scrolling through twitter was an addiction, he oddly loved the pain he got looking at the tweets that insulted him.

   now, some of the comments didn't bother him. like the ones calling him ugly or fat, because he's not insecure about his looks. he knows he's pretty, and he knows he has a good body.

   the ones that seemed to affect him the most were the ones that called him annoying, or the ones that called him a nuisance. he'd always felt like a burden on everyone he's been around. but those were also the ones he loved the most. he loved to torture himself for some reason, and he didn't really know why.  
       scrolling down popular tweets, his eyes caught a tweet with an attachment.

       "jungkook being annoyed by taehyung for 5 minutes straight"

     he watched the video, and he became painfully aware of how annoying he really was. jeongguk sure did roll his eyes a lot after taehyung said something. the videos were mainly taken from live streams they did with each other, although some of them were from fan taken clips of them out in public.

     each scoff, eye roll, and displeased face seemed to stab his heart.

   maybe he should take his mind off of this for awhile, jeongguk loved him. if he didn't, he would be with him, right?

     taehyung: hey kookie


    taehyung: koookkkiiiieee i know you're reading these 


    taehyung: don't leave me on read babyy

    jeongguk: what do you need

    taehyung: i miss you!!

    jeongguk: i miss u too

    taehyung: when will you be home??

    jeongguk: idk

    jeongguk: i'm hanging out with jimin today

    taehyung: you saw him yesterday though :(

   jeongguk: okay and???

   taehyung: i just miss you

   taehyung: i wanna cuddle with you

     taehyung frowned. maybe the fans were right. was he texting him too much? why didn't his boyfriend want to hang out with him? did he do something wrong?

     taehyung decided that he wouldn't text jeongguk until the other texted him first. he didn't want to bother him anymore than he already has.

     so he waited and waited for his lover to text him, but he never received a notification.

    maybe he should just go to sleep? he decided that was the best idea.

   changing into his boxers, and taking his shirt off, taehyung jumped into his and jeongguks bed. part of his heart felt empty without his boyfriend there. he wished he could've been in his arms.  sighing, he closed his eyes and tried to drift off to sleep.

    right when he was about to fall into a peaceful slumber, his phone started ringing. rolling his eyes, he rolled over and reached for his phone. his heart skipped a beat as he saw that the person calling was jeongguk. excitedly, he accepted the call.

angel // taekook (on hiatus) Where stories live. Discover now