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"Nice times Maliyah. Actually no, beautiful, astounding, MARVELOUS times! This may be your best season yet!" Meet my overly eager swim coach, Lance McCoy. Mid-thirties, no wife, no kids, thinning gray hair and yet, this man is happy all the time. I swear I've never seen him without a toothy grin and I must say it's a little frightening. I thank him and he pats me on the back, he walks off to congratulate my other teammates.

 I just placed second in the 100-meter freestyle and third in the 50-meter backstroke at the annual pre-season swim meet. Definitely could've done better, especially if I want to beat out Rachel Pearson for team captain this year. For the past three years, Rachel has been head captain leaving me as co-captain which absolutely sucks. And the thing is, she's the nicest person I've ever met, so I can't even hate her! Well I can, but that requires extra effort.

Suddenly I see her rushing up to me clapping her hands excitedly, "Maliyah! You did amazing, I can't wait to swim with you again this season!" I put on the greatest smile I can bear without pulling any of my face muscles. "Oh stop, you were great out there Rach! I can't wait either!" She pulls me into a tight hug and runs off, pure happiness radiating off her. What a bitch. 

I continue to dry my dark brown curls as I walk towards the bleachers to pack up my things... which aren't there anymore. A rush of panic soars through me before I realize the four teenagers in front of me. Naomi Ferrin (a.k.a. my best friend until I die), Cameron Jones (biggest flirt I know, C.J. for short), Mason Harden (the most attractive human being I've ever met), and Delaney Monroe (Mason's girlfriend who we hate).

Naomi is holding up my PINK duffel bag that I use for swim and chucks it at me, which I fail miserably at catching. What? It's not my fault I don't have fast enough reflexes. "You guys didn't have to come!" I raise my voice over all the commotion in the Briarwood High Aquatic Center, saying this statement looking directly at Delaney. She scoffs and pulls on Mason's toned bicep, "Mason, sweetie, let's go see what they have at concessions." He doesn't even get a chance to reply before he's dragged over to the tables of cookies and pizza. Poor, poor soul. C.J. rolls his eyes and comes over to hug me, "No way we would've missed this. Ooh, can I hold your medals?" I laugh and place them in his hands, he's immediately engrossed by the shiny pieces of metal. Naomi watches fondly, did I mention that she has the biggest crush on C.J. since like, forever? He's totally oblivious though, typical boys.

I let Naomi ogle her boy toy while I put on my shorts and t-shirt over my swimsuit. I sling my bag over my shoulder and grab my keys. "Come on Naomi, it's time to stop staring." She snaps out of her lovesick daze and sheepishly tucks a black strand behind her ear. "Shut up I wasn't staring at anything!" Naomi very defensively states. C.J. hands me back the medals and winks at Naomi, "You should take a picture it'll last longer babe." He goes on to meet up with Mason and Delaney, leaving Naomi with her jaw on the floor. Huh, maybe he isn't so oblivious after all. 

I grab her hand and force her to move towards the exit while I calm her down. "Maliyah, he knows! He just has to or why else would he say that?" My anxious best friend's voice raises an octave and I shake my head. "Listen, I love you Naomi but you make it painfully obvious sometimes it hurts." She lets out a squeak and covers her mouth. To be honest, I could have worded that a little better, I really need to work on that.

I unlock the doors to my expensive, jet-black Ferrari 458 and throw my duffel bag in the back seat. Totally kidding by the way, I drive my mom's old Acura which I named Marcella. Be jealous. The engine roars to life and I back out of the crowded parking lot and start to cruise down a road surrounded by tall trees changing colors. Fall is beautiful in Briarwood, nothing can beat it. I am completely at ease until Naomi turns up the radio and starts belting her heart out to one of her favorite songs. She's actually an excellent singer, don't tell her I said that. Naomi's been in choir for years and she shines brightly at each and every performance she's been in, I'm a little envious of her vocal talents. Whereas someone like me, sounds like a dying horse.

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