Stuck in the world of your favorite book

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You can't quite remember how it happened, but when you woke up on the ground and not in your bedroom you knew something was off.
The sky above was a bright blue forcing you to squint, and the clouds came in gental wisps.
You were confused, you couldn't seem to rember what had happened.
Everything got weirder when people started to croud around you.
"Hey there. Are you alright?" Asked a soft voice, you vision came into focas and you relized who the voice came from. Standing next to you was y/f/c, a charecter from one of your favorite books. Now I must be dreaming, you thought. You closed your eyes tight and pinched your leg in attempt to snap yourself back to reality. But when you opened your eyes nothing had changed exept now everyone looked down at you with a confused expression.
"Um, I think she needs to go to the nurses office" says an adult as he pushed through the crowd of people hovering around you. The man was wearing athletic clothes and a small silver whistle around his neck. You assumed he was some sort of sports coach.
"I got it coach" y/f/c said eagerly.
"Thank you y/f/c, make sure to tell the nurse what happened"
"Alright" y/f/c said as he stuck a hand out for you. "Come on" y/f/c said softly. You took y/f/c hand hesitantly.
"Ok" you mumbled. You were still shocked and confused at everything happening around you.
As y/f/c helped you up, you finally gor an idea if where you are. You were at a school.
You looked around dazed, you were at the back of the school on the track feild.

As soon as you got to your feet your head started pounding and your legs trembled. You started to lose your balence, but before you could fall over y/f/c caught you.
"Whoa there" y/f/c said grinning at you.
"Careful now" y/f/c said as they stood you upright agian. You leaned against y/f/c to keep your balance, and surprisingly they didn't seem to mind. You two started walking off the track field towards the school building.
"Are you alright?" Y/f/c asked.
"I don't know" you said softly, just barely over a wisper.
"Wh-what happened?" You asked,
"Right now in gym class we are doing a track unit. We were doing hurdles and you fell on the last hurdle and you hit your head awfully hard" y/f/c explained.
"Oh" you said quietly.

When you got to the nurses office you and y/f/c had to wait outside the office until the nurse was ready for you.
Finally you broke the awkward sclience that had been lingering between you as you waited by saying,
"Thank you for helping me " y/f/c smiled at you.
"Your welcome" you smiled back happily at y/f/c.
y/f/c was your favorite character in your book, and is even better in real life, or what seemed like real life, you couldn't tell what was happening anymore.

In no time you two were talking and laughing happily like old friends.
But finally, the nurse appeared. You sat there as y/f/c explained what had happened.
"What I will have you do is ice your head for a little while, then you can go back to class" the nurse said, as she turned her attention to you.
"Alright" you said dissipointedly, because to be honest you wanted to stay here and talk to y/f/c all day long, you didn't want to leave now.
But you stood up solemly, and the nurse lead you to the health room.
Just as you were about to step in you looked back at y/f/c. y/f/c smiled back at you,
"Hey, when you can come back to class, let's hang out. Maybe we can go jump some more hurdles" y/f/c said. You laughed and rolled your eyes,
"Sounds great"
y/f/c laughed and winked at you before disappearing down the hall.

You didn't know how you got into the world of your favorite book. But for some reason you didn't seem to mind much anymore, because as long as you had y/f/c you were sure everything would turn out just fine.

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