Chapter One

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"I've summoned you boys for an important quest, and I will not take 'No' for an answer" an older bearded man, boomed from his throne. "You two are the bravest from the nearby village, and I need you both in order to save my people." The king scratched his gray beard and coughed. "I will reward you both if you succeed with hundreds."

Caden glanced at his makeshift armor and resumed eye contact with the ill King of Raywald. He scratched his head awaiting specifics of their quest, watching the other male summoned twitch with fear. Caden has never seen the other male before; the boy who was called with him was much smaller than him. He looked almost, fragile. "The same village? Really? How could a kid, almost as strong as me, not even know me?" Caden mumbled to himself.

"Do you have something to say young knight?" the king raised his voice at Caden. "Do you accept this quest. Yes or no?" He was serious, and his stares penetrated both of the Knights' psyche.

"Of course! Sir!" Oliver took a knee placing his sword on the ground. "I pledge my honor to you! Sir!" Caden followed in taking a knee and placing his weapons down.

"Who the hell is this kid?" Caden thought to himself. "Pledging his allegiance to a stranger?" Caden rolled his eyes taking the same exact pledge as Oliver to protect the Kingdom of Raywald. "Hope he's got something else up his sleeve because I'm not in the mood to constantly revive some idiot." Caden stood up getting the rest of the information for their quest.

"You see, my village has been taken over by spies from our rivalries, and are conspiring against my people. I must have all the spies executed before they take away my people." The king explained breaking out in a sweat. "These people are very dangerous, and will kill you if you're not careful." King Octavius took a deep breath. "You two are my last resort, take care of each other, and our little problem here."

Oliver grinned with pride, it appeared as if it was his first quest. "Yes your majesty sir, no one hurts the King of our allies!" He stood up straight, picking up his melee weapons. "Do you have a method of attack, or?"

"IF I HAD THE APPROPRIATE METHOD, THESE FOOLS WOULD BE DEAD. DO YOU UNDERSTAND YOUNG KNIGHT?" The king shouted from his throne, making Oliver, and Caden shake. He gestured the two boys away. "I'll have you fitted for new armor in the morning." He looked at Caden's bandaged chest and scoffed. "You must succeed. I will not tolerate any more unjust casualties on my soil." Two guards escorted the young men to their room for the night, handing them a scroll with detailed instructions.

Caden laid in his bed for that night, reading the scroll over and over again. The comfort from the bed was unexpected but greatly appreciated. He struggled to keep his eyes open when devising a plan and fell asleep quickly. Oliver hummed quietly, looking at maps of the houses, and thought of plans of attacks, not even questioning Caden's abilities compared to his own. "A swordsmen, probably." He jotted down in his notes. "Befriend him?" he wrote to himself as if he had any choice in their adventure starting later in the morning.

The following morning involved them suiting up in the proper armor that'd benefit their abilities, and protect their bodies if their enemies are as dangerous as the king made them seem. Caden felt suffocated as several people fit him for a new breastplate, and matching gauntlets. Oliver watched intently as they tailored a suit for him that kept his forearms, and wrists exposed. "How do they already know what's best for us? Is this what's best for us." he made a mental note of that, thinking it'd benefit him later if there was a malfunction with their newly earned wardrobe.

Caden squirmed as measuring tapes were wrapped around every individual curve of his muscular body. He bit his lip as someone got closer to his upper thigh, and tried to insist that his dirty bandages were armor enough for him, they weren't. The boys were bathed, suited up, given new weaponry and ushered straight out of the castle with brief good luck, and a slap on the ass. Caden walked out annoyed. "Who are you anyway?" He asked Oliver, still dumbfounded on this mystery kid who is supposed to accompany him on this mission.

Oliver softly chuckled. "Aren't I just like you big guy? We're both knights, somehow from the same town and going on a mission?" He teased, the older male. "I'm Oliver! M'friends called me Oli, we might as well be on first name basis if we might die together you know." Oli cracked his knuckles taking his notes out of a small satchel one of the tailors gave him. "So big guy, do you have a good idea? Or do you want to hear mine?" He elbowed him, as the two started walking towards the path.

Caden glared. "I was given the name Caden. Don't even bring up dyin' because we aren't going to. We'll complete this mission before sundown, and get to go home rich." He said bluntly. "I am going straight in, this town seems harmless, nothing like back home so I'm going to try not to worry about it." Caden was trying not to worry, but he was more than worried to be frank. He had no idea what he was up against. "What's your good idea? Did you come up with some strategy, because I am okay with just running in!" He exclaimed still walking upon the path. "I"m not scared of anything." He is, he's scared of almost everything.

"Caden, sir, I think we should talk about this instead of going in head-on." Oliver grabbed his arm to pull him back. "Please just wait a minute." Oliver let go of Caden's arm quickly when feeling a static shock. "Sh-fu-What the hell is your power anyway? Don't you think it'd be wiser to discuss this first?"

Caden turned back to look at Oliver in confusion at the pale bruise he got on his fingertips. "What are you whining about now?" He said causing the younger boy to freeze. "I am not here to make friends, I am here to succeed. I don't need others in the way of my success."

Oli rolled his eyes. "Then die. That's what'll happen." Caden ran straight into the village without looking back, leaving Oliver behind.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 31, 2019 ⏰

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