Mark's Last Video

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Your P.O.V

You see Mark uploaded a video, and you decide to check it out. The title of the video, 'I Just Wanted to Say Something.' Worries you slightly, however, you calm down by telling yourself that it's just one of his thank you vlogs.

"Maybe it's a joke? Come on, Mark, it's not April Fools' Day!" You shook your head and smiled slightly as the video was loading.

You see Mark's face a few seconds later pop up on your screen. You notice that he has worry, sadness, and possibly guilt written on his face.

"Oh God. Did the hate get to him?" you ask yourself as you wait for him to speak.

You notice that he plasters on a fake smile and begins the video with, 'Hello everybody, my name is Markiplier, and-" his voice cracks a bit, and you see that he's holding in tears. He glances at the camera, and quickly looks away. He then looks down at the ground, and you hear sniffles and his body is shaking slightly. This makes you very worried and you bite your lip, trying to hold in your tears - seeing your favourite YouTuber and the person you love tearing up right in front of you made you very emotional because you had no way of comforting him.

As he starts talking, with still a shaky voice, you listen carefully, hoping that nothing serious happened.

"I just wanted to tell you guys that I-I'm quitting YouTube. I have some personal problems which I just can't cope with right now, and I need you guys to understand this. Who knows, I may come back in a few months, maybe a few years, but by then, everyone will forget who I am, or what I did." hearing those words makes you widen your eyes in shock and by then, you can't hold in your tears anymore. The thought of not seeing videos, updates or even pictures from Mark anymore just terrifies you. You start to shake slightly, so you cuddle with your favourite teddy bear, hoping that it will comfort you somehow.

"I'm sorry I let you all down. I really am. I owe this success to you. It's not fair on all of you for me to just leave you like this, but the stress is just getting to me and I can't handle it. I can't sleep at night - I keep worrying about how my channel is going, what is your feedback and how many views I got on a certain video. The list can go on and on. I've been feeling this way for a few months now. I didn't tell you guys about it because I didn't want to worry you. Just please remember that I love you with-' he pauses as he looks up at the ceiling, holding in his tears. He carries on as he calms down slightly, '-with all my heart. You will always be my heroes; Markiplier's Heroes. Call yourself that with pride. You all should be proud of how much you've helped the people who needed help the most. Because when we unite, we can achieve great things. Without you, I wouldn't be here." you see the first tear roll down his cheek. You clench your right fist whilst holding the teddy bear with your other hand. You feel lost, almost heartbroken.

"Mark, what am I going to do without you?" you wail as you notice the video is nearly over.

"I guess this is probably the last video I'm ever gonna make. Once again, I'm so sorry for leaving you like that. Just remember you'll always be in my heart." he smiles weakly at the camera as tears roll down his face. He takes his glasses off and wipes the tears with his hand, most likely trying to be as manly as possible, and to not show his true emotions.

"Before I finish this video, I wanted to say that I will be hosting my most likely last charity livestream. It will be on the 26th March, at the same time as always. There will be a few tshirt designs to choose from. This bit of information may please some of you; some of the old tshirt designs are coming back, including the Markiplier Pyjama pants which a lot of you didn't get the chance to buy. You will also be able to buy your very own Markiplier Minecraft skin plushie, along with Bob's and Wade's Minecraft skin plushies. We will be raising money for the ALS association. I really hope you will be able to join us, considering the fact that this may be my last ever livestream." he sniffled and brushed his hair back with his fingers.

You close your eyes and imagine the final moments of his last livestream - him, Wade and Bob crying their eyes out, telling you and the Markiplites how thankful they are for the amazing journey. Everyone in the comments section is begging them to stay. You sniffle as you carry on watching the video.

'Goodbye everybody. I will miss you so much. You're like another family of mine, a very big family who cares and looks out for each other. I'm proud of how amazing you guys are. It was a joy to have you all give me this amazing opportunity, to upload videos on YouTube of me acting like an idiot and of making your guys' day.' He looks down and smiles at the ground. He looks back up again, looking straight at the camera. You felt as if he was staring only at you. You pause the video and take a screenshot of this moment. You blush slightly, remembering the countless times where you were laying in your bed, blushing and grinning at Mark whenever he made eye contact with the camera or when he called all of his fans beautiful and handsome. You close your eyes again as you feel the very familiar gentle prickle in your eyes. You sit up in your bed, brushing your hair slightly as you weep quietly. You un-pause the video.

'And I will see y-you in the next video, I'm not sure when that will be, though. Bye-bye, I'll miss you all.' He waves at the camera like he usually does, trying to sound enthusiastic and smiling up at the camera, but you weren't buying it.

You scroll down to see the comments, and everyone had the same reaction as you; they were confused, lost, and hopeless. You shut down YouTube and went to the bathroom to get a few tissues. You tried to collect yourself. You were holding onto that strand of hope that he will upload a video soon, and that this was all a joke.

You curl up in your bed as you hold your teddy bear close to your chest.

'I guess this is what I'm gonna do for the rest of my life now.' you thought to yourself as the tears didn't stop. At least he was hosting a livestream with Bob and Wade - you had something to look forward to.

'I'll miss you, Mark. I'll miss you so much.' you whisper to yourself, as you slowly drift off to sleep.

[A/N: Hi everyone!

I'll be honest here... I don't know why I wrote this imagine, but by reading the comments, I see that I've made a few people cry. >:D
I really hope you liked it. I made this as best as I possibly could, adding bits in and taking some out. I'm not a very experienced writer as you could tell, but with a bit of practice, I'm sure I'll get better and my choice of vocabulary will be better too. ^-^

Thank you so much for reading! Rate, comment, follow, share, do whatever you wish. ;] And will see you in the next book, bye-byeee! ^o^/*

~bootyfulmark / ~Z]

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