Falling For Phoenix

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I clutched my red trench coat closer to my body as I made my way through the windy streets, occasionally sipping on my French Vanilla coffee. I sighed in relief as I neared the fancy, exotic apartment I lived in. As I stepped past the large intricately designed doors, I felt a rush of warm air greet me.

'Good evening, ma'am.' The doorman greeted. I smiled kindly at the aged man,

'Good evening, Morris.' I smiled politely as I walked into the elevator.

The clicking of my heels were muffled against the soft, plush carpet and walked up to 206. I stuffed my hands into the pockets of my coat in search for my keys, which I couldn't find. Rolling my eyes at my stupidity, I rang the bell twice. My feet were freezing - never wear open shoes in the midst of October. Never.

'What?' Snapped an all too familiar voice. His head popped out, and his mess of golden hair was sticking out in almost every direction, and his brown eyes seemed a bit annoyed. 'Oh, it's just you.' His irritated expression lessened, but didn't completely vanish. He opened the door wider and let me in, and the very second I stepped into my warm home, I slipped off my heels, taking them into my free hand and walked straight to my room.

'How was your... uh, day?' he asked, hesitantly. I sighed as I threw my handbag on my bed.

'It was okay, it's freaking cold out there today!' I exclaimed. 'It's absolutely bloody nonsense, this Canadian weather, I'll tell you.' I said shaking my head.

Sometimes, when I was utterly annoyed or irked, my inner British self would come out - and I find it rather irritating.

'That's what you get for wanting to come here so bad.' He said chuckling. I shrugged as I closed the door and changed into something comfier - a pair of fuzzy track pants and a long-sleeved shirt.

'Hey, Phoenix, is Asher here too?' I asked wondering where my brother was. Usually, they come home together.

He shook his head, 'I don't know, Mia. He phoned saying he was getting a bit late - something about Katrina's birthday?' he questioned himself as he plopped onto the big black sofa.

'That's right! He was talking for ages about what he was going to do for her birthday, he's so sweet.' I gushed.

'Hmm...' I went over to the kitchen, disposed of my empty coffee cup and decided to get a start on dinner -since it would be just Phoenix and I. I took out some carrots and set them on the chopping board, grabbed the knife and started chopping away. 'How was work?' he asked from the living room.

I instantly got angry, 'Absolute bull crap, to be honest. This old lady walked into my shop thinking she could act all haughty with me and get some sort of absurd discount because the shirt she purchased was 'deformed.'' I grumbled.

And the very next minute, pain shot up my arm, I looked at the knife, and then at my hand - I had accidently sliced the skin. My vision got blurry and before I knew it, tears were spilling over. And the more blood that leaked from the gash, the more I cried. If there was anything I hated more than obnoxious old ladies, it was pain.

'Mia, are you okay?' Phoenix yelled, probably hearing my sobs. Within the blink of an eye, he was crouched by my side on the kitchen floor holding my wounded hand in his. 'Shit, what did you do? Go all Emo?' he asked, trying to lighten the mood. Unfortunately, it didn't work. At all.

'Shut up.' I mumbled, as a whole load of fresh tears took over.

'Shh, it's alright. We'll clean it up - and then it'll be better.' He whispered, smiling reassuringly at me. I sniffled. 'To think you'd stop crying over little things at the age of twenty four.' He said chuckling as he gently dabbed a wet cloth on my palm.

'Phoenix,' I whined, 'it hurts.' I tried all my best to stop myself from crying all over again. Worse enough, I was crying in front of Phoenix.

'Don't be a baby, Amelia. We have to clean it up before it gets infected.' He sprayed some sort of anti-something on my palm which stung for a few seconds before wrapping my hand up with bandages.

'There we go, all better.'

'Stop talking to me like I'm some dumb baby, Phoenix.' I muttered.

'Hey, I wasn't the one crying.'

I narrowed my eyes at him and stood up, 'Well let's cut you with a knife and see how you react, okay?' I said sweetly.

His face went soft, 'I saved you from your pain. Don't I get a thank you?' I sighed, I was such a mushy person.

I lightly touched his arm and smiled, looking him in the eyes, 'Thank you, Phoenix. If I weren't so clumsy, none of this would've happened.' I said looking away and letting my hand drop.

Now it was his turn to grab my hand, and he pulled me so I was much too close to him for my liking. 'Clumsy is cute, remember?' he whispered before walking away and sitting back on the sofa.

This is why you should never fall for your brother's best friend.

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