The Creeper Boy

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Chapter 1: Trap

I would be the first to say that I have a pretty bad life. Sure, I can make a living in this blocky world but it doesn't make my over all life better. I am a creeper, well half creeper. Lord Herobrine had turned the mobs into human type mobs. I guess this will be first for you, since you are finally going to know what goes through a creeper's mind. Well, all I have to say is, hi, my nickname is Trap.

As I walk along the forest, the sunrays hitting me every now and then, and then they seem to hide from me behind the forest leaves. I head down to the village, hoping to scare some villagers into giving me some food. I hear a rustling in the leaves, and my heart skips a beat as I stop dead in my tracks. I put my hood up quickly hiding behind a tree as a man, with a wooden sword in his hand appears. His eyes scan the trees and I flinch as I notice his eyes were a solid brown. Then his eyes fall on me, and I could see every muscle in his body tense.

I tilt my head and then he attacks, yelling and tries to hit me with his pick. I move out of the way but the sharp wood grazes my arm and I hiss. I start to hiss, "sssssssssssssss" then I felt the world around me blow up. The poor player's hearts go all the way and he disappears in pixels. I give a soft sigh and pick up only the needed food before leaving, "They just should leave us alone," I mutter.

As the day passes, and the pixilated sun goes down over the mountains. I glance around with a look of boredom. I put my hood over my head slowly, hiding the last bit of my blonde hair, with green dyed like tips. Then, I could see, and hear a rustling in the woods. I tense and expect to the see the same player. This time though, I see two Endermen. Well actually, one was a girl, or looked like it. They looked very beaten up, cuts all over their bodies, their clothes ripped.

They limp to him with wide, scared eyes, which I try hard to not stare directly into, "Please, help..." The boy and girl say at the same time before falling against me. I notice that they have lost consciousness. I give a soft sigh, shaking my head and then dragging them, "I guess I'm going soft," I mutter with a gentle sigh.

//In a Cave Near Steve's House//

I set the two down beside each other. I clean up their cuts the best way I could but, only a witch could fix their broken bones. I take off my jacket, my green tee shining brightly as it had a TNT symbol on it. I lay it over the girls severely ripped clothing and then head to the spiders to make new clothing. 'Guess I have guests,' I think

My eyes glance at the two and I shake my head. Endermen. Here, impossible. They were all banished to the End by Lord Herobrine and had the Ender Dragon made to make sure they stayed in line. I fall back against the stonewalls and sit down, rubbing my eyes sleepily. I never slept much, especially since I really couldn't without going into one of my nightmares. And yet, my head rolls... and I fall into darkness.

Chapter 2:

The Dreams And the Enders.

"Wake up, wake up Cupo!" A girl shakes me up and I look around. I was sweating, and shaking like a leaf, as maniacal laughter and screams of pain ring in my head, "Cupo?" I ask groggily as I sit up, only to find arms wrapped around me and the ender girl was crying on my shoulder, "Its really you Cupo, your okay," She says with tearful eyes.

"I... I have no idea what you're talking about," I reply with a look of confusion, in which the Endergirl lets go, "My names Trap, I'm a creeper boy, that's all."

The Enderboy gives a grunt, "What did I tell you Andr, that wasn't Cupo," He says with a soft voice. The Endergirl, Andr, shakes her head and cries even harder, "No, that is Cupo, that's got to be Cupo! He looks just like him, Andre! He gave me his jacket, no other creeper would do that!"

"I did that out of kindness," I say defensively, but I was confused as I'll ever be, "I'm sorry, but I don't know a Cupo," I rub the back of my neck and sigh, "Isn't Cupo part of the rebellious mobs that are against Herobrine?" I ask with a slight tilt of my head.

Andr's eyes water and she bursts into tears, nodding and shooting up, "Yes and then he was captured! He's probably dead right now and not able to respawn to us, his data erased by that Heathen!" She runs out of the cave, and I'm left sitting there with look of utter surprise, looking up at what looked like her brother.

Andre was it, gives a soft sigh and sits down, "I guess I owe you an explanation for saving us," He says and begins to tell the story. "Twelve years ago, Minecraftia was much happier, well except with the players but we just killed them and moved on. Then, a year later, Herobrine appears from a corrupted pixel in the sky. He gathers followers based on fear, and started his own army. Now, some people like SkythekidR.S, Ssundee, Antvenom, and many others fought back. But Herobrine then created the Griefers, Jinx, Freddisaal, Einshine, even Mlghwnt, but he stopped to join the rebellion. A few mobs like Andr, and I formed under the leadership of Cupo and Cupa, two Creepers looking for freedom against the ruling of their father Herobrine. We were winning, and losing, and winning and the battle has been never ending for years. But one night, Cupo and Cupa were taken in the night and haven't been seen. Andr hasn't taken it too well,"

I sit there, shock plastered across my face like cement, staring off into space, a major headache forming. I start having images flashed across my mind. A creeper girl beside me on a stage, an Endergirl laughing at a joke I had made, and then two white eyes. I cringe and forget it all.

Andre frowns, looking at him, "You alright?" He asks and I give a soft nod, "I-I'm fine," I mutter and stand up, "I'll take you to the nearest mob town, and then I head back here," I say and Andr comes back sniffling.

"Fine," She says with a shaky voice, "But I'm going to need new clothes." She throws off my jacket and throws it to me before covering up her chest. I walk to a door and open it, showing clothes and swords and other various objects. I pull out some ender clothing the spiders had made and hand them to the Enders.

"There you go, I had the Spiders make them last night," I say looking at the two of them and throw on my jacket, "Lets start moving then," I say before walking past them, putting a diamond sword in my jacket.

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