A Bad Influence

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Disclaimer: I do not own any characters in this story except random teenagers and Alexis. All characters belong to their respective creators. :)

Authors Note: I know I'm weird for writing a story like this but I love slasher/horror movies :P I promise I will try and keep them in character, but if not oh well, creative writing :)

Alexis gazed up towards the moon, watching it disappear and re-appear between naked tree branches, through the sun roof of her father's sedan. The family had decided to have their yearly camping trip a bit early this year. Her father was growing more restless by the minute. She rested her head upon Michael's lap, it was quite comfortable.Freddy, another of her many uncles, turned around in the passenger seat to gain a better view out the back window. "Ha, it seems that 'Pinny' finally gave up his position as driver to Kirsty. At least she can follow us, unlike her husband." Jeffrey, who was sitting to the right of Alexis, snickered at the comment. "How much farther do we need to go before we reach the lake?" He asked as he leaned over so he could catch a glimpse of the navigation screen on the dashboard. "Only ten more miles." Her father replied somewhat relieved.

She woke the next morning only to be momentarily blinded by the sunlight. Rubbing her sore eyes, Alexis noticed that she was in a bed rather than in the car. "We're here!" The delicious aroma of fried bacon assaulted her nose causing her mouth to water. Skipping every other step made the journey to the kitchen faster. "Good morning Alexis!" Jeffrey sang happily when she entered. He had really out done himself with the breakfast. There was bacon, pancakes, sausages, eggs, waffles, hash browns, and her all time favorite, Corn Beef Hash! Pinhead was seated at the head of the table, his dark eyes scanning over the mornings newspaper. "So when are the neighbors going to arrive?" The blond man asked from the stove. "They should be here this afternoon. Oh! Where is Cujo?" Said dog trotted into the room, his snout to the ground. "Come here boy, time to go outside."

As a precaution Alex placed a muzzle around his jaws before linking his chain to a large oak tree. "Don't want you biting our neighbors this year." The Saint Bernard snorted in what could be described as disappointment. "Don't worry, I'll let you romp around with me later okay?" A loud cheering in the distance brought attention to the red Honda that came screeching to a halt behind the two. Every year a group of teenagers came to the lake, but of course only a select few ever left. "Hey Michael, Freddy, Jeffrey our neighbors are here!" The three men emerged from the lake house, Jeffrey as excited as ever. It had taken a lot of coaxing to get Michael to take off his mask so he was now mask-less. Freddy had used his illusion abilities to make his face look normal again, why he didn't just do that in the first place, heaven only knows.

There where at least seven teenagers, each varying in age. The three girls were dressed rather garishly, flaunting what the Lord endowed them with I guess. One of the boys, being the gentleman of the group approach Alex and her uncles. "Hello, my name is Scott. These are my friends, Stacy, Karen, Brenda, Mason, Jake, and Steve." The teenagers smiled, well the boys did. Alexis noticed the rather obvious lusty look Karen was giving Michael, causing a rage to swell within her. Michael on the other hand was frightened by her glances and drew closer to the small girl beside him. "Well, my name is Alexis but you can call me Alex and this is my uncle Jeffrey, my uncle Freddy and this is Michael." Jeffrey grinned and shook the boys hands while Freddy took to leering at the women."Where is your dad?" Mason asked his southern twang making Alexis smile. "He should be around here somewhere, probably chopping some fire wood." Stacy and Brenda had noticed Cujo laying on the ground and all but squealed in delight. "He is so cute!" The large dog hummed lowly, warning the two girls but they ignored him. "I wouldn't touch him if I were you." Jeffrey cautioned holding the girls at bay. "Why not?" Stacy demanded. Suddenly her cell phone began ringing causing the large dog to snap. He strained against the chain, howling and gnashing his teeth together. "He was abused as a puppy so he is a bit unstable around strangers...and cell phones." Alexis approached the large canine whispering to it, slowly bringing him back to a calmed state.

After Cujo's brief episode, the girls vowed to stay away from him. "So what are you guys doing here?" Karen asked, her eyes still fixated on Michael. "We come here every summer. This is our summer home. I was born here, but I live in Springwood, Ohio during the school year, and during holidays I stay with Michael in Haddonfield, Illinois." Alexis smiled triumphantly as Karen scowled. Michael placed one of his large hands on Alex's head as if he was claiming her as his property. "So you know about the murders then, about Jason Voorhees?" A cold chill ran down her back at the mention of her father. "Y-yes, I know of the murders. Jason has never attacked me or my family personally. I guess he doesn't see us as a threat?" Steve rolled his eyes. "Yeah well that sounds like a bunch of crap. How can he just randomly kill a bunch of drunken teens but totally ignore your family?" Alex patted Cujo. "We have an attack dog."

Ending the conversation with the neighbors Alexis went for a stroll with Cujo and Michael, allowing the large dog to run freely without a muzzle. "I can't believe that girl! Who does she think she is!?" She slammed a fist into a nearby tree, subsequently breaking her hand. She held back her sobs as the pain pulsed through her arm. Michael gently brought her hand towards his face, his eyes hidden by long chestnut locks. ~Why did you do that~? She yanked her broken hand away from him, anger still within her. "That Karen girl was staring at you like you were a piece of meat! She is a slut!" His face though hidden, revealed a slight dusting of pink at her strong use of language. "She will be the first to die! Mark my words!" Her head struck a solid wall of muscle. He was now in front of her, embracing her awkwardly as he was not used to human contact since childhood. "Thank you Mikey." She sighed, relaxing against his frame.

Jason was back at the house when the couple returned, his mask removed. "Dad, where were you?" A crazed look entered his eyes. ~Studying my prey~. The tall man found himself pressed against the wall as Cujo whined and licked him repeatedly. "Cujo, off!" The large beast released the man, taking his place under the porch stairs. Kirsty was sitting in one of the old rocking chairs gently caressing her swollen belly. "When is the baby due?" Freddy asked from his position next her. "He is due in February." The child killer rolled his eyes at the happy mother. "I'm happy my daughter hates me. I don't have anyone to hold me back." Jason glared at his ancient rival taking his comment personally.

Authors Note: Okay I know that this was probably really lame but this is one of my first stories so please go easy on me

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 27, 2010 ⏰

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