Ch. 1: Living With Your Aunt and Uncle

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You're a twenty nine year old woman. Your name... (Y/N) (L/N). You're driving down the road right now. You went through a rough breakup with your now ex who abused you. Ronnie Jacobs. He would hit you. Tell you not to burn his food. Verbally attack you. And so on. You've finally had enough and knocked him out. Then you bailed.

You called your maternal aunt Genki Sanban to tell her the whole story. You told her you'd visit them and stay at a hotel. But instead, she insisted that you stay with her and her family until you're back on your feet again. You were thankful.

You're driving down the road and you turn the radio on. You get it on the song Two Princes by Spin Doctors. You say, "Oh, childhood. I love this song." You move your head a bit and you sing, "One, two, princes kneel before you. That's what I said now. Princes. Princes who adore you. Just go ahead now..." You smile.

You finally make it. Your aunt Genki had already given you the address, so you pull up in the driveway. You get your key out of the ignition and you sigh and smile. You say, "Here we go. Family I haven't seen in a long time. I've seen Kuki only twice when she was a baby."

You get out of your car and you shut the door. You look back and you say, "I'll grab my stuff, later. First... see these guys. And see Mushi for the first time." You walk up to the front door and you say, "Damn, they got a nice house though. Either aunt Genki or uncle Kani own a company. They must with a house like this." You knock.

The door opens and there's a middle aged woman in a purple dress. Her raven hair's pinned back in a bun. You say, "Aunt Genki?" She says, "(Y/N)? Is that you?" You say, "Yeah. Yeah, it's me." She smiles and pulls you in for a hug. You hug her back. You say, "I haven't seen you in so long. How have you guys been?"

You pull away and she says, "Good. Except right now, Kani has been having a hard time trying to fix the blender in the kitchen." You hear a male voice yelling, "Who's that at the door?!" Genki looks back and yells, "It's our niece, Kani!" "Oh! She's here?!" She looks at you and says, "Come in here."

She lets you in and you say, "I have my stuff out in the car, but I'll grab it later." She says, "That's fine, dear. Mushi's up in her room. Kuki... is out with her friends at the moment. Their tree house." You say, "I haven't met Mushi yet. I've only seen Kuki twice." She says, "It's because you haven't seen us in over ten years. Kani's in the kitchen. Come on."

You follow your aunt. You see a man with raven hair, a green shirt and pants, glasses, etc. He turns around and he sees you. He says, "(Y/N)? Is that you?" You smile and you say, "Yeah. It's me, uncle Kani." He puts the screwdriver down and he walks over to you.

He says, "Well, look at you. I haven't seen you in over ten years." He pulls you in for a hug and you hug him back. You pull away and Genki says, "Let me go and grab Mushi. I'll be right back." You smile and you say, "Okay." She walks off.

Kani says, "You haven't seen Mushi before, have you?" You say, "No. Just Kuki, but hardly. She was just a baby then. I had just gotten out of high school. My mom was surprised I graduated." Kani says, "Your mother? Surprised by YOU graduating? If anything it's HER that never graduated. Genki never trusted her, either." You say, "That's just something aunt Genki and I have in common. We've dealt with the same woman for years. Her sister. My mother."

You hear a high pitched voice yelling, "Where is she?! Where is she?!" You turn around and you see Genki walking in with a little girl with pigtails in her hair, a loose purple sweater on, etc. You gasp and you put your hands over your mouth.

You say, "Oh... oh my god. Is that her? Is that Mushi?" Kani says, "Yes it is. Our youngest. She's five years old." Genki says, "Here she is, honey. Say hi to your cousin." Mushi is carrying a yellow Rainbow Monkey toy.

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