chapter 1

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i took a deep breath n stepped into the classroom. it was the start of a new year n my first day in school.

"jeon soyeon!" a familiar figure was running straight for me n crashed into my arms for a tight hug. moments later, i realised who it was.

"yah mina, let me go before i die of suffocation." i chuckled to her, tickling her to let me go.

"what is your index number?" she asked me, as we started walking to an empty desk that she had chopped for me beside hers.

"i think it's 18, why?"

"remember ms jung told us that we will be having our first science project on the first day of school last year? n she said you will be partnering the person your index-number-mate." she said.

"oh haha, how would i remember if i was sleeping during the last day of school last year? remember i was sent to the principal's office for sleeping during lessons for 3 hours straight?" i laughed at her.

she chuckled at me and gave a slap on the shoulder. "yahh!! you shouldn't sleep during lessons, it's important to listen you know?" she asked me, still laughing away.

i rolled my eyes at this little-ms-responsible, who even cares about lessons? sleep is way more important.

just then the school bell rang and everyone flung to their seats as our new teacher entered the class. she was wearing a grey dress n red specs. i could already see all the boys at the other side of the class judging her from top to toe.

"good morning class! i am mdm sowon, you're new form teacher. if you remember, you will be having you're first science project today so i hope to see you all put in your 100% effort into this work." she said as she started passing out the papers.

"as for the pairings, please go find you're index-number-partner. remember that if you are a odd number then find the even number after you. but if you are the even number, then find the odd number before you." she said.

"im 18, so i have to find the odd number before me. that's 17, right."

i started walking around the class looking for index number 17. "who's index number 17?" i asked jinyoung who was sitting at the front of the class.

"let me try to remember!" he said as he pushed up his glasses.

"you mean you memorised the ENTIRE class list?" i asked him, eyes widened.

"yea, why not? it's pretty easy tho, i just took two hours to memorise the whole list" he said.

"just, two hours?" i scoffed at him.
"nevermind just tell me who's 17 then."

he kept thinking and thinking for the next twenty seconds after which he pointed to the other side of the classroom and said "if im not wrong it's jaebum."

my eyes widened in shock as i stared at where his finger was pointing to. "i really hope you are wrong." i told jinyoung as i started making my way towards a slouched creature sitting at the opposite end of the room.

"yah you, im jaebum. are you index number 17?" i asked him, not even willing to look at him properly.

"uh yeah i think so. why?" he asked back tilting his head up to look at me.

"okay wonderful, hello im so sorry to say this but im you're partner for this science project." i told him as i slammed my hand on the table beside him and sat down on the chair.

he gave me one stare of "i don't care" and went back to his head-on-the-table position.

"yahh, wake up. we have to start working on this. if you see the worksheet, which i bet you didn't bother even noticing, it has a lot of pages and many components that require us to.." i was saying when he tapped me on the hand and said "why are you even telling me? you're gonna do all the work anyways." and went back to his original position.

i sighed at him, "it's the start of the year and things like this happen to me, now i got one project due in one week." i thought to myself.

i didn't realise it but i actually looked very sad. he stole a glance at my face and then turned himself to face me, still in that hunched position. i stared at him blankly with no expression because it was funny to see how close we were now.

"yah, don't be sad. i was just kidding. i'll do the work with you, just not now." he said softly.

unknowingly, my mouth had twitched into a smile and my eyes were just looking at his.

"what? stop staring at me like that." he cut off my mood as he turned his head to face the window.

"shit, why was i staring at him like that?"

soon the day was over with every teacher introducing themselves during lessons and i was about to pack my bag and go home when i suddenly felt a hand grasp me on the shoulder.

i turned around in shock and to my surprise, i saw jaebum standing there, still hand on my shoulder.

"yahh!! why did you do that, it hurts you know." i yanked at him, smacking his hand off my shoulder.

"so when do you want to do the work?" he asked.

i looked at him with that question-mark face, having no idea what he was talking about.

"uh you're such a forgetful pabo! im talking about the science project yah!" he spouted at me.

"since when did you care so much about project work?" i asked him with my hands on my hips.

"uh idk im just excited to start working on it with you." he muttered, looking away from me.

"what's wrong with him oh my god!"

"fine, we will meet at 6 today?" i asked him, trying to come back to the topic.

"okay, ill see you at my house." he replied and ran off before i could answer.

"wait what? i can't go to his house. i bet it's stinkier than a skunk's" i thought to myself as i started packing my bag and left school soon.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 02, 2019 ⏰

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