Don't look back

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Chapter One

Time... what does it mean? People have their own ideas of time and what to do with it. You can use it for good use or waste it away. Some people live a charmed life and have what they would call, "all the time in the world". Others don't seem to have any time to do anything with their lives... children, family, work and everything else. Time they say, can be a healer. Time to get over something... or someone. Time for a change? Time to think of the past, or time to think forward. Forward to the future.

When you think of the future, what comes to mind? Space travel? Advances in medicine? Hover boards? I think the future will include these, plus other science fiction ideas that maybe are already at force here and now in the second decade of this twenty first century.

Life is strange. Isn't it? For most people life happens in a way that cannot possibly be fully planned out in front of you. Some people say they believe in fate. Some people say that when one door closes, another opens, and vice versa. You hear of other cliches.... whatever will be will be, belief in destiny, life is like a circle or maybe even you may have heard someone say they have no control over what happens and consequently don't plan anything much with their time and when they get old, they may look back at their time on this planet as well spent.... or wasted.

Time... the future... what will happen? What changes will there be? You can look back at what has happened in your own past, the worlds past or someone else's past., but what of the future? What will that bring? The unknown. The mystery of what we don't know. The past we can describe. We can put our finger on any part of history. But the future? Nobody knows really. Movies paint a picture. A popular medium that can produce anything from any time in any location. But here we are looking at our home, this home, this planet. Don't look back.

We already have amazing technology in many areas of our every day lives. Advances in mobile phones for example. It's only in recent times you can write a story on your phone and it be available for the world to see. Then there is television and communication. Radio and satellite signals travelling faster than ever before. Advances in medecine where we can do what we consider now to be major surgery and prosthetics.

It's only a matter of time before man (or woman) creates something only movie makers currently dream of.

You can currently have a leg replaced with a mechanical device that although might look like a leg, or part of, it's not functioning in the same way. Metals and alloys do not feel the same as the warmth and texture of skin and bones. But what if more than just a leg was replaced? What if it was more than two legs? What if it was both legs and an arm.... or more.... Or worse??

The future, I believe, will bring the horrors of the warped human mind to reality. I believe that what we hear and see now is a mere tip of the iceberg as to what is really fully going in in today's world. Somewhere, someone has created what can only be described as an horrific experiment gone wrong.

Imagine if you will, the idea of replacing external body parts to the extreme. A poor soul that has had prosthetics and parts replaced of varying degrees of success by an 'inspired genius' if his own mind. Creating almost inhuman people unable to function, with no quality of life and being subjected to on a daily basis such abuse that its kept such a secret to the likes of you and me. Human experiments. Vile human experiments.

Internal organs are already been replaced. Lungs and stuff. The future will bring more. The future will bring other things being put in to the human body. Devices that will initially be alien to us that will eventually lead to devices being implanted to new born babies. Electronic micro chips stating name and nationality as well as finger prints and DNA will be information loaded on to these chips. They won't be visible but they will hold personal information that can be updated as our lives progress. Information like schools we went to and jobs we have and home address, date if birth, names of immediate family and more. When you're pregnant you'll have to, by law, enter information online on some form and then when your child is born, you'd have saved this information along with other data you can only get once your child is born, and then all this information will be uploaded to micro chip and implanted in to your new born just like having your ear pierced. The implant will be over in less than a second.

Your child will grow up in a technologically advanced world far beyond your thoughts and ideas of how we live today.

The future evolution of mankind. It is inevitable that man will create a fully independent artificially intelligent human shaped being. It has already started now with prosthetics and the replacement of internal organs. Human experiments that we don't hear about. What will happen is more and more parts of us that nature has provided will become replaceable. This will lead to more and more parts being used as advances in medical procedures and materials used become more consistent and reliable. Man will work towards that goal of a fully fledged human shaped being created solely with wires and electrical devices and magnificent impenetrable materials that are far superior than what we know today. Man will create life that's not human. Man will create artificial intelligence that goes well beyond your average smartphone of today. Your phone may be able to tell you where the nearest coffee shop is, but what if they could drive you there in your hover MPV? This would be great in the early days. Beings will be created for good use. These machines will do things that us regular humans cannot. They will be able to help other humans by maybe being able to rescue you from perhaps a climbing accident as they will be able to climb up or down a rock face without the need for harnessing equipment this making the rescue far quicker as you wouldn't need to take climbing equipment. You'd just input the details of what is required in to your 'robot' and they'd be able to climb down any rock face both reliably and quickly and the stranded climbers would be swiftly returned to safety.

Your android would be able to fix any other device in your home because it would be preloaded with information on every current and previous mechanical device instruction and repair information. This information can be updated just like your phone software can be updated. These updates would be funded by a user subscription of course. Your android would be able to self diagnose itself for errors in its circuitry and software and could alert you when it detects an irregularity. To begin with, the user, you or I, would have complete control over these beings we created and would be able to control it and update it and fix it ourselves. It would of course be only a matter of time. A matter of time before they began to do more than self diagnose. Soon they will be able to think for themselves. They'd start to think the things us humans have been pondering for centuries. Things like why am I here and what is my purpose in life, and worse... procreation and evolution of themselves. And what will mankind do then? Is this an idea of the demise of human kind? Taken over by a race of machines that we ourselves created? A race of machines that are totally independent of human interaction? The horrors of the possible extinction of humans may seem impossible. But if we can replace body parts now, what can we replace tomorrow? Next week? Next year or next century?

Chapter Two

*Authors note*

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 12, 2012 ⏰

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