Babysitting Skylynn Floyd??

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Aubrey's POV

Hi I'm Aubrey Hanson and I'm 15 years old I'm about to be 16 soon I'm in the 11 the grade because I got booted up a grade because I'm to smart for 10 th grade. I live with my mom and my brother but my sister is all grown up. My brother is about 1 month old and I watch him when I come home from school so my mom can go to work. My job is just baby sitting Levi and I do get payed from my mom to watch him every day. I get played at the end of the week and I save my money so I can go to collage but my mom said she is going to help pay too. I was now holding Levi while sitting on the coach when my phone rung.

A~ Aubrey E~ Ms.floyd

A: hello

E: hey Aubrey can you watch Skylynn for me?

A: sure, how long?

E:yeah that's the thing for a year

A: um... I will have to ask my mom

E: oh I already asked her she said it is up to you and you have to take your clothes and Levi's clothes so you can watch both of them.

A: ok when do you want me over?

E: as soon as you can

A: alright bye


I went running up stair lied Levi on my bed but in the middle so he wouldn't roll off then I grabbed a suit case stuffed some stuff in there then I grabbed another bag and put my make up, hair stuff, ect in there. Then went and grabbed the baby bag out of Levi's room grabbed bottles, pacifiers, diapers, clothes. Then I got his carrier and went to my room put him in and grabbed my charger and the bag with my phone in my pocket and headed out the door. I knocked on the door and Ms. Floyd came running to the door and opened it oh hi Aubrey um your room is up stairs across the hall from Hayes's and Nash's then skylynn's is next to your's. Sky come here baby she called and Sky came running mommy has to go baby but Aubrey will watch you and show her where her room is ok and behave then she kissed her check and gave her a hug. Call me ok? She said. Yes mommy Sky said then Ms.Floyd left. Come on Sky said leading me to my room there you go that's your room and I'm going to be in my room next door ok she asked. Ok I said laughing then she left with a giggle. Ok Levi is said let's change your diaper then I changed his diaper and he went back to sleep so I put pillows around him so he wouldn't roll off and then I went to sky's room. Hey Sky I said hey she said back what do you want to do? I asked. Um.. First I'm hungry so can you make some chicken nuggets and French fries? Yeah sure I said and went down stairs to make it I put it in the oven then came back up stairs. Is should be done in about 15 mins I told her. Ok she said do you want to watch a movie down stairs in the living room? she asked. Sure I said then we went down stairs Sky was looking through the movies while I got the food out of oven and put some on a plate for her. Then I made a big bowl of popcorn for up and went to the living room to set the food down, what do you want to drink? I asked her. Juice she said then I went and got her some juice and put it in her sippy cup and got me some in a plastic cup here I said as I walked back in. Thank you she said. Your welcome and did you find what movie you want to watch i asked. Horseys she said and handed me some horse movie to put on. As we watched the movie we ate the popcorn and Sky ate her food when it was over she was asleep so I just left her there and went up stairs to check on Levi who was now waking up. I ran over to him and grabbed him before he could cry so he wouldn't wake up Sky and I grabbed as bottle and went down stairs. I put the bottle in the microwave and waited for it to heat up when it was done I made sure it wasn't to hot then gave him the bottle and went in the living room and sat on a different coach then the one Sky was on so I didn't wake her up. It was now about 8:45 and the. Babies were both sleeping in the play pin and I took a picture because it was so cute how they fell asleep, Sky has her arm rapped around him. Then I heard something out side then the door open I went running to the door to see Nash, Hayes, Cameron,and Matthew. They were being loud so I had to shut them up, shh what is wrong with you people there is two babies in there sleeping be quit. Oh sorry Hayes said and they all went to the kitchen, me and Hayes used to be best friends until he started doing vines and being all famous. But now we don't even talk, every time I see him it makes me want to just cry because I miss him and I being best friends but I can't cry in front of these boys so I have to just suck it up. Why are you here? Nash asked. I'm babysitting Skylynn for your mom she couldn't find anyone to watch her I said. Oh, how long? He asked A year I said then went to the living room to make sure the babies were ok. So are you staying here with us that long? He asked. Yeah I said then went on my phone and sat on the coach. Alright we'll be up stairs if you need you he said then they all went up stairs to hang out I guess but whatever I could care less about what they do. It was now 10:50 and the babies are still not up so I went over and picked them up, it was a little hard but I got to the stairs and I was just about to fall when someone caught me. I looked up and it was Hayes thanks sorry if I almost knocked you down I said and looked down. No your welcome and here let me take Sky so you don't fall he said and grabbed Sky from my hands I walked to my room and laid Levi on my bed. I walked to the hallway and to sky's doorway because I thought she said something what? I asked and stepped into her room can you ask Nash if he can come here that I want a nite nite kiss from him? Yeah I will go ask him just stay right there. Ok she said and I went to Nash's room and knocked on the door. It's open he called and I opened the door um.. Hey Skylynn wants you to come say good night to her i said. What no I'm tiered he said and then I heard crying and I turned around to see Skylynn crying. I picked her up and then Hayes said to Nash wow your really going to do that to her dude she's crying for you. Oh come here Skylynn I'm sorry he said then I put her down but she ran to Hayes, not Nash and I was shocked that she did that. Come on Sky how about we get you to bed Hayes said but Skylynn cried NO!!!!! But you have to get to bed baby he said to her me want to sleep wif you she cried then he got up and carried her to his bed them came to me to say goodnight. Goodnight Aubrey goodnight Hayes we said to each other then we went to bed and I put pillows around Levi after I changed him into pajamas and a new diaper then climbed in bed and went to sleep with Levi snuggled up next to me. It is now 1:45 and I'm down stairs trying to get Levi to stop crying I was walking back and forth in the kitchen bouncing him as the bottle was getting heated up in the microwave. Then I heard something so I grabbed a knife not thinking and went by the steps and hide then a shadow came down the step and I jumped on it. Move a muscle and I will stab you I said while still holding Levi in my arms. Then it started laughing oh my god Aubrey it's me Hayes can you please get off me he said. Hayes what the fuck is wrong with you I said as I covered Levi's ears after putting the knife down. I was sitting on Hayes lap then he sat up and we both leaned in and we kissed I was actually kissing back I fell fireworks then he grabbed me by my waist and lifted me up so now he was standing while holding me in his arms. Hayes Sky asked sleepily while walking down the stairs and hurry up and jumped down then went to the kitchen with the baby still in my arms then grabbed the bottle and feed him. After Levi fell asleep I went back to bed with him and same as Hayes and Skylynn.

Babysitting Skylynn Floyd ( A Grier boys fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now