Meadow brook Cooper age 19
Birthday July 7th 2000 relationship status: single mother of Peter Stark Cooper
Bio : hello my name is Meadow I am a single mother to my son Peter he's is 2 years old his dad left us when he found out I was pregnant I live in Lakewood Oklahoma and I work at the daycare my son goes to ( PS I don't think that's a real place just made it up)Nicholas Evan Rogers age 22 birthday August 4th 1997 Relationship status single job work at mechanic
Hello my name is Nick I'm 22 I work at a car shop I also live in Lakewood OklahomaKenna Stella waters. Age 19 birthday November 14th 2000 relationship status : single mother of Elle Cora waters she's 3 years old her dad died in a car crash we live in Lakewood Oklahoma and my best friend is Meadow
Name: Peter Stark Cooper age: 2
Name : Elle Cora Waters age: 3