Chapter 1

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July 4th, 1710

Dear diary,

I just got my first diary! England said I should write my thoughts down so I could remember them later in the future! I'm so excited! I wonder what my future self is going to be like! Maybe, I'll look like England! I love him so much! Today we spent the whole day together! I never want to leave him!


Good work! A responsible person should always should understand his feelings, and that's just what you're going to do.

America smiled, he looked up to his big brother, wondering how lucky he was to have such a wonderful person to take care of him

Yes, Engwand!

No- uh, it's EngLAND okay?

Okay Engwand!

England sighed, there was still a lot to teach this young child, he wondered if being a big brother was right for him...

Anyways, america, I have to go now, remember I can't stay here long!

B-but you just came back!

I'm sorry, but I have no choice.

His ocean-blue eyes became filled with tears, but he knew, he knew his brother had to leave, like he always did. Like he always left him, alone and wondering when he would come back. Slowly, america nodded his head, like he always did after those words were said.

Alright, be a good boy and wait for me right here okay?


England gave him a kiss on the forehead and walked away along the fields of fresh green grass, where their home stood. The only building for miles and miles....

Please,come back soon...I'm lonely..

July 10,1710

Dear diary,

I am so bored! I get really lonely in this big house by myself... England said he doesn't want me to go wandering off, but I want to see the outside world! I don't know how long he's going to take so maybe if I just go out a little he won't notice, right? England always talks about how important it is for me to follow direction but, he's not here. Nothing bad is going to happen if I just go outside for a little while right? I'm sorry, England...

America stared out into the vastness of the land outside. Huge rolling hills of grass surrounded his home, it's as if he was in a lone boat across the sea of green. Alone, with no one else around. Step by step, he approached the doorway, he saw nothing wrong with going outside, what could happen? And suddenly there he was, looking up at the thing that would end his loneliness, would end his curiosity, had the power to open it. america reached high up and touched the doorknob, the cold metal became warmed by the child's hands. With every turn, he became more and more excited, what lay out there for him to discover? Why didn't england want him to leave the house? At last, the door creaked and slowly opened to reveal his vast sea of green. Wind blew into the house, carrying leaves, branches, and dirt inside, but America didn't notice, he was focused on the one person before him. His hair was brushed back, and his eyes were almost the same shade as his, there were freckles on his face and a surprised smile. America could do anything but stare, and as he stared, he heard him say

Hi! I'm Davie!

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