Season 2 episode 5

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You were reading the a book in kitchen.Daffy was in the kitchen too.He was making a PJ sand witch,and on the phone with his girlfriend,Tina.Apparently they were angering about a park ticket the got.You may have listen in a little.

"Tina I hear what you saying I do"He said"I just feel that since you were with me.When I got the parking ticket you should pay half of it"

I rolled my eyes.Let translate'pay half of it' means'you pay the whole thing'.

Then he hears the brr sound meaning there was another line.

"I gotta go it's a another line"He said then took his phone from his"ears".Clicked the other line and put it back to it original place."This is Daffy Duck"He began.Bugs then walked in reading a newspaper.

"Oh I would love to go door-to-door to help the mayor get reelected,but unfortunately I'm not a United States citizen.So I probably shouldn't get involded with your politics"He lied.You and Bugs both stared a him and just sighed.Bugs then to sit with you.

"Where am i from?"Daffy said."Umm...Albania"

'Albania'I thought.Bugs and me both looked at him.

"Albania,Albania I'm from Albania"The he changed his voice into a terrible russian accent"I am how do you say visiting your country.So sorry,but please take me off your phone list.Adios that's Albania for goodbye"

The he ended the called,and noticed we wer both staring at him


You,Daffy Bugs walked out of the kitchen.Daffy was bothering Bugs.Begging to to pay the parking ticket.Since,Tina won't.

"Bugs and (Y/N) I hear what you're saying.I just feel that since you two are my roommate.You both should pay half of the parking ticket"He said.Bugs and reached the couch,and sat on it.You stood next to,Daffy.

"Now this payment would be in addition to,Bugs,letting you live here for free"I asked.


"Sound like a great deal"Bugs said sarcastically.

"It is a great deal.It's twos chance on the ground floor.Today's the 14Th if I don't pay it toady the fine doubles"

"Today's the 14Th? oh no"Bugs asked

"What?"Daffy asked.

"Today's the annual peach fevtail,and Porky going to aksed me to with him."He answered

"So?"I asked.

"So I've gone there for six year, in a row and it's horrible.It takes six hours to get there.You're in the middle of nowhere for whole week.It's hot,there tons of mosquitoes,you stand in these long line for peach cobber;er,Peach soup,peach sand witch.Ugh too much peach"He explained to us.

"Make up an excuse lie"Daffy suggested.

"I'm not gonna lie."Bugs barked back.

"Yeah that's your area"You said.

"Good point know role"Daffy said."But if it were me i tell him I can't go because I'm an alien.I say I look like Daffy Duck on the outside but I've been taken over by an alien who lives on the inside"

"And why can't the alien go to the peach festival?"I asked.

"I don't know he's got a bunch of alien stuff to do"Daffy said.You and Daffy then both walked to the door."stuff to do it doesn't matter he's not gonna ask that all he'll be thinking about is that I'm an alien"

"When are going back to your home planet?"Bugs asked.

"Just tell,Porky, you don't want to go"Daffy said.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 02, 2019 ⏰

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