Haryana’s politics is dominated by Jats given the kind of dominance Jats have in the state of Haryana. Venod Sharma is a Non Jat Leader of Haryana who is equally popular among the Jat electorate of Haryana as well. He is one political leader who is ideal for Haryana as he has immense capability and capacity to lead Haryana. Venod Sharma possesses a spotless image and a perfect track record of growth and development of Haryana.
The growth of Haryana has stopped because of the vested interests of politicians and the state needs a fillip to kick start the process of growth in Haryana. Non Jat leader Venod Sharma is committed to prepare a roadmap for Haryana which can help it progress.
It needs a roadmap which can enable it to realize potential and cross all the hurdles to become the numero uno state of the country.
Venod Sharma wants Haryana to have tremendous opportunities for the youth .He has plans of creating large number of jobs for the youth as he is one political leader who is deeply involved and concerned for the affairs of the youth of Haryana.
Non Jat Leader of Haryana Venod Sharma is a very serious about the empowerment of the women of Haryana .His another aim is to improve the life of the backward class of the state.
Non jat leader HaryanaVenod Sharma is actively involved in the welfare of the people of Haryana. This has made other political parties insecure. He has received flak from other political leaders for his push to the development work. He has found his own political party by the name of Janchetna party and is going from door to door to understand the problems of the people of Haryana Jan chetna party will try to improve the life of all sections of the Society.
For more information about - http://www.venodsharma.com/knowme-better/haryana-politician.html