rhe importance of bullying

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The importance of bullying
By. Kylie Pugliese

*Janet Reid's POV*

    Hi, I'm Janet Reid. I am going to take you on the rollercoaster called my life. I am just a girl with straight brown hair and glasses that hide a pair of basic brown eyes. I am a junior in high school and I excel in all the subjects.

Okay I may have lied about being 'just a girl'. I'm actually a werewolf. I only attend normal school since I was put into foster care at a young age, knowing I was a werewolf. I love the family I have.
    Anyway, that's not what I'm telling you about. I am here to tell you about the life I live in high school.
~the next day~
    Waking up with a yawn, I hop out of bed and go into the kitchen for some food before school. I eat a quick bowl of cereal and go back to my room to change. I throw on at-shirt and a jacket matched with a pair of blue jeans and converse. I put my hair up into a ponytail and brush my teeth. Grabbing my backpack, I give my mom and dad a kiss before heading off to school.
    I get to school and once I walk into the doors, the whispering begins. I have gotten used to the whispering since it's been going on since freshman year. It started with my best friend Tyler stabbing me in the back. He knew I was a werewolf and he was the only one who knew. Once high school began, he completely ditched me and began telling people that I'm a freak and I slobber everywhere. He also told everyone that I am hairy and gross.
    What he said hurt me really bad and I went into deep depression. I still am in deep depression. I constantly have feelings and thoughts about ending my life but I don't because I know it's silly. Depression isn't always about wanting to harm yourself, it's not only at three in the morning when you're still awake staring at your ceiling. It can be at three in the afternoon when you're surrounded by family.
    Over the years, the insults got worse, the rumors spread faster than the common cold. There were rumors that were not even true. I cry myself to sleep every day because of what people say to and about me.
    Tyler makes it his life goal to remind me what a horrible person I am. He always insults me and tells me to kill myself, and I really think about it. He tells me I'm a waste of space and that I don't belong anywhere. In freshman year, it was only verbal and cyber abuse. During the beginning of sophomore year, he began getting physical. I would come home with bruises on my wrists and scrapes on my face and arms. My parents would ask what happened and I would always say I fell in gym class.
    I put on the hood of my sweater and walk briskly to my locker trying to watch out for Tyler, only for him to be waiting at my locker. I walk up to my locker and open it while shaking. He tries getting my attention and I simply try to ignore him while wiping a tear away. When I don't listen to him, he pushes me into the lockers. I gasp out of pain and he grabs my ponytail, yanking it. He calls me a slut and a piece of shit. He wishes that I kill myself so he doesn't have to look at my ugly face ever again.
    He slaps me across my face and pushes me to the ground. I sob and I lay still on the ground. He continues to yell and call me horrible names, while I just lay there and sob. The bell rings and Tyler leaves laughing. I try to sit up and barely manage to lean against the lockers.
    I decide to call my mom and ask to come home. She says that she is stuck in traffic and dad is at work already. I simply said okay and continued to sit against the lockers. I must have stayed there for an hour since the bell rang, signaling the end of first period. My head turns and I see people walking through the halls.
    I'm not sure if I can handle getting hurt anymore. I honestly think I quit. Sighing, I slowly stand up and gather my things. I put on my hood to cover the scrapes on my face. I hear people whispering about me.
'What a whore'
    'She should kill herself'
    'She is a waste of space'
    Tears continue to fall as I rush out of the school halls. Once I'm out the doors, I run home. I run faster than I ever thought I could. I get home and there's nobody home thankfully. I go inside and throw my bag onto the couch. I change into black sports bra and black spandex. Picking up a pen, I begin to write things onto my skin, everywhere. My arms, my stomach, my legs, my face, and my back. I walk into the bathroom and grab out a bottle of 200mg pills and swallow down 20 of them. Once I do that, I grab a piece of paper and a pen. Tears fall down my face as I start writing a letter, biding my final goodbye....

Dear everyone,
I just wanted to say that I am sorry for everything I have done. I feel like a failure. I am what everyone calls me, or at least I now believe I am.
Tyler. You were my best friends since we were babies. Tied to the hip. We had done everything together. We shared everything. You knew my biggest secret. You always made me happy when I was sad. The sad part of it all is that you were the one who broke me down the most. I love you Tyler. Best friend or not anymore, I love you like a brother.
Mom and dad. I love you with all my heart. You adopted me when I was young and had no family. You nurtured me as if I really was your own. You treated me like I was an angel. You loved me. You guys were the only ones who were there for me in the past 3 years. You made me believe that anything was possible. You made me believe that I was an extraordinary girl.
I hate that I am doing this but I cannot go on. I am hurt and the pain is too much. I feel like someone is continuously stabbing me in the chest. I am completely broken. I am sorry to everyone who ever loved me. I am sorry to anyone who actually cared. I am also sorry to everyone who made me this way. I am sorry I failed each and every one of you.
I must now say this one word and bid you all love and happiness.


Janet Reid

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 04, 2019 ⏰

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