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      Life was filled with danger. The whole world was turned upside down with demons and angels fighting for control. Me a common girl couldn't do anything. Or so I thought. As the roof collapsed above me I panicked not knowing what to do. A bright red light shined along me as I see this tall dark skinned man look down on me. I rubbed my eyes in confusion.
       He spoke in a soft calm deep voice, "listen you and me can defeat these demons... Come with me Alex. " Before I could put up any fight he grabbed my hand teleporting us to a random area. I began to to rub my eyes in complete confusion, "umm... What the fuck is going on?? " I looked up at him as he pats my head to calm me. He speaks in a calm manner once again, "we are going to defeat the bad and good.. Now ask questions on the way there. " I let out a sigh huffing a bit. We began to walk through the dark forest.
      Hours past and we haven't spoken once. The silence felt like nails on a chalkboard. My stomach growls making him disappear for a spilt second. He comes back with a sizzling piece of strange meat. Again being me I began to question what it was. He shoved it in my mouth making me eat it. I look at him my mouth full of food, "mm jffjn? " He chuckled slightly at the sight? I smiled at that finding his chuckle cute. Could I be getting a crush I thought. I shook my head at the thought it was far to early for that.
      We find a cave that seemed to have someone living in it. There even was a well made door. I looked at it opening it seeing nothing as it was so dark. I felt a slight push to move forward. I entered hesitantly as he eased me into it turning on the light. The room was filled with weapons maps.  I look at a book on the shelf opening it up. It had a picture of a girl and boy defeating a dark angel.
      I look at him, "I thought angels were good?? " He simply shakes his head patting next to him for me to come sit down. I sit next to him only a inch away trying to give him space. He smiles softly, "that's a common myth it may be true in some dimensions but it's not in this one... There is only one true good thing in this hell hole.. I have been searching with this book... And it's lead me to you... Alex you must help me save the world. "
       I look at him I'm complete shock, "me... No it can't be... It has to be another Alex... It's not possible... I'm not kind... I'm filled with darkness... This is a mistake.. I can't save the world.. " I look down tearing up starting to panic. He rubs my hair gently, "no.. You are the one I have been observing your ways for years... You and me must save the world you can do it. I know it seems difficult to think of right no-" I zoned out daydreaming about fighting demons giggling to myself. He chuckles shaking me, "now sleeping Alex we have a big day ahead of us. "
     I looked around getting up to sleep on the ground. He laughs, "no no you lay on this bed I will lay on the ground. " I shake my head at the idea and lay on the ground anyway. He laughs laying next to me flicking my forehead. He grabs the blanket putting it over us. My eyes began to droop as I pass out.

Hope you liked my first chapter it was fun to write. Thanks for reading!

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