Mystery Guy Revealed

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"I need a hero! I'm holding out for a hero till the end of the night. He's gotta be strong. He's gotta be fast and he's gotta be larger than life, larger than life..." I finished singing the last verse of the song with tears in my eyes. I just get so in to the music when I sing.

When I looked up there he was again. Just staring like he always does. He's at every one of my concerts. He stands in the same area, and just stands and stares with this look of complete and utter awe. It's a little weird, but not creepy.

I walked off the stage as the next band was being announced, and as I turned the corner I ran into a wall. No wait. It was the guy!

"Oh, hi!" he said holding my shoulders to steady me

"Sorry, I wasn't watching where I was going. I'm-"

"Briley Anne. I know who you are. Your voice is mesmerizing. I know you see me at every concert. You always get this look on your face that changes from creeped out to flattered. It's cute. My name is John."

"Hi, John." I stuck my hand out to shake his. "It's nice to finally have a name to put to a face."

"Actually that's why I came here. I was hoping to run in to you. I wanted to ask you if you wanted to go out for coffee or something this week?"

I thought to myself, he could be some creep that wants to kidnap me. "Uuhm, well I don't know-"

"It'll be completely public, there will be witnesses. I know this is creepy, but it's not really all that bad. We go to the same school even. I'm two grades above you. I'm a junior at Baker High."

"Uuhm.. I guess it wouldn't hurt. I'll meet you at that cute tiny little place in town tomorrow at five?"

"That's great!! I'll see you then!" He went in to give me a hug and I stuck my arm out to give him a handshake. "Well this is awkward." He said through a smile. God his smile is adorable!

"Sorry, I'm a little awkward when it comes to touching people." I said as I blush an uncontrollable beet red.

"It's all good. I'll see you tomorrow!" He settled for just a wave and turned around and walked off.


So guys. I need comments and opinions and stuff. I know this was a short chapter, but I'll update pretty frequently:) I promise:) I'm new to the whole writing thing, but I decided I'd try it out. I mean, my life is like a Hollywood movie anyway.. I might as well write about it..

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 17, 2014 ⏰

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