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"I cherish the breathless moments that we share. Those beautiful moments when time stands still and our souls leave our bodies to unite with each other..."-Aarti Khurana

Chapter One


It was too dark and quiet in the basement closet. I wasn't afraid, because only babies are scared of the dark. It was boring in here with nothing to do. I wished I had my DS. It wouldn't make any noise if I turned the sound off.

Now I was stuck here, hiding from the bad men. Mommy said not to leave the closet or make a sound until my daddy came home. Right before she closed the door she told me something important to tell him when he came home.

"Mommy will always love you, Logan. Tell Daddy...tell Daddy I am sorry, and I love him, too."

I was worried about my mommy. She sounded so sad before she closed the door. I had been in the closet for a long time. Were the bad men hurting her? Very slowly and quietly, I put my ear up to the tiny crack at the bottom of the door. I tried super hard to hear what was going on upstairs, but there was no sound. When would Daddy be home to save us?

I squished against the back wall of the little closet and hid behind a long coat. I made myself as small as I could. If those rotten bad guys came looking for me, I was pretty sure they wouldn't find me because I was hiding. They would think I was part of the wall. I was glad a little light peeked in from the bottom of the closet door. It gave me something to look at besides the dark. It was really quiet while I waited for my daddy to come back from the grocery store to save Mommy and let me out of the closet.

I sat scrunched against the wall for years and years, forever...and ever....




I huffed because I was so bored of waiting. How long would the bad men stay? Why couldn't Mommy tell them to leave so I could come out of the closet? Maybe they were being super mean to her and wouldn't go away. Poor Mommy, those bad guys better leave before my daddy gets home.

My daddy was the biggest and strongest daddy ever. He would come soon and beat them up and tell them to go home. Then he would take me and my mommy away where no one would never find us again. Maybe we could move to Disney World. It was a good idea, no one would ever look for us there. I was going to ask about it when he got home.

I hoped Daddy brought home some cookies from the store because I was so hungry my tummy hurt. I would need about ten or so. I usually didn't get cookies until after lunch, but I bet this time Mommy would let me have them since I was being so quiet and staying in the closet like she told me to. Maybe. I frowned in the darkness. No, she would make me eat my lunch first. I was hungry enough to eat two lunches and ten cookies. My tummy rumbled when I thought about the cookies.

I was getting so tired of sitting in the dark. I couldn't see anything except the line of light at the bottom of the door. There were still no sounds. Where was Daddy? I wanted out of the closet, but I was too scared of the bad men to move. Mommy said to stay here, and I didn't want to get in trouble either. She'd get that teary, sad look on her face. I hated to make my mommy get that sad look, so I stayed hunched down, really invisible, in the little closet.

I wished I could dream walk to see what was going on upstairs. Then no one could see me. I had to go to the bathroom too bad to be able to go to sleep. Mommy could dream walk even when she was awake, but I could only do it after I fell asleep. She promised to teach me when I got bigger. Too bad I wasn't bigger yet.

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