obsession (chapter 1)

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After catching up on the latest episode of "This Is Us" You decide to watch another show, it's called "Lucifer". You have always had this weird obsession with demons and what not. Something about the storys behind them made it so...interesting.
While you played with your (H/C) hair and watched the show, your mom bursts in KICKING the door wide open.
" WASH THE DI-" she stops mid sentence and looks at your computer. "(Y/N)...what in the hell are you watching on your computer!?" She shouts at you while pointing at your computer. "C-c-computer?"
You grab your shiny sleek brand new apple computer and yeet it out the window "What computer? I dont see a computer?" Your mom looks at you with a extremely concerning face. "Im not buying you a new one...also wash the dishes" She walks out the room and closes the door. Awesome. You just ruined your sweet new computer and..wait...what time is it? You check your phone and think to yourself 'OH SHHHOOOT ITS TEN O CLOCK I GOTTA GO TO SCHOOL TOMORROW!!' You quickly hop into your bed and forget the fact you have to wash the dishes like what the hecck you barbarian.

End chapter

im sorry this stuff in gonna be really short h h

Satan x reader (Will Probably Never Be Finished)Where stories live. Discover now