05. wait for me

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Hoyeon's POV

Ms. Kim entered the room. It was supposed to be dismissal but she didn't let us off the hook yet. "Please sit down. I have an announcement to make." She said. We all sat again and waited for her to say something.

She cleared her throat and started to speak. "Last time, I gave you a project and that is to make a story, alongside Ms. Jung's Class III-C. Now, you'll collab with them again," The whole class groaned. "I'm not finished yet."

The class went quiet. "But this time, you can use the internet to search it, but you have to do it together. Ms. Jung and I already formed groups. The leader would pick the topic and the Class III-C is already picking it as we speak. Your topics are about Greek Gods and Heroes.

I was excited. Greek Gods? They're my favorite. I just finished Percy Jackson's Greek Heroes and I read about Greek Gods a long time ago. "Greek Gods? Not my cup of tea." I heard Minnie said. I nudged her and she chuckled.

"Oh, come on. Don't you like history?" She shrugged. "I'm done with it, honestly." A knock suddenly came and the door opened, revealing Ms. Jung. We all stood up and bowed. "Good afternoon, Ms. Jung."

"Please, sit down." We did and she whispered something in Ms. Kim's ear. "Ms. Jung's students have picked certain topics that was on a box and now, I will announce your members."

I didn't listen to anything Ms. Kim said but when I heard familiar names, I pay attention to it. "Group 3. Mark Lee, Lee Shinhyuk, Min Minji, Kim Jisoo, Park Jisung, Yoon Hoyeon and Na Jaemin. Mr. Park picked Hades." I immediately wrote down our names and our topic.

"We're in the same group! W-With.. Jaemin." Minnie said. "I know, and I think that would be your opportune moment." She gave me a look and we looked back at Ms. Kim and Ms. Jung. "We'll give you time to discuss after this meeting. Class, dismissed. Meet your groupmates." Ms. Kim said and Ms. Jung left the room.

I wore my bag and Minnie, Shinhyuk, Jisoo and Jaemin followed me to Class III-C's room. When we got there, Jisung and Mark was already waiting outside. Jisung smiled and walked towards me, hugging me in the process.

"We're groupmates again." He said and I chuckled. "Hoyeon, Shinhyuk! Look who's calling." Mark waved his phone and saw the screen. Haechan was calling. I looked at Shinhyuk and she suddenly became red.

Minnie pointed at Mark's phone. "Isn't that the CEO of Lee Inc.?" We nodded and she covered her mouth. "I didn't know you have connections with him." Mark rolled his eyes and patted Minnie. "Honey, we're cousins," He said and answered the call. "Couz."

"Oh, hey. Glad you picked up. I'm quite stressed today. I wanna go to our photo studio. You in?" Mark cackled. "Of course! You coming, Hoyeon?" I looked at Jisung and he mouthed, "If you're coming, I'm coming". I rolled my eyes at him and declined.

I heard Jisung sigh, relieved. "I swear, I heard you sigh." Mark said and gave Jisung a look. "Shinhyuk? How 'bout you?" Haechan asked. I looked at Shinhyuk, her face still red. "I need someone to cheer me right now. I'm stressed, aren't I?"

I held Shinhyuk's hand and smiled at her. "Do it for him." I let that out as a whisper so Haechan wouldn't hear, especially Mark. Shinhyuk sighed. "I'm coming. But don't push me to him." She glared at Mark.

"No problem, love, 'cause he'll do the pushing."


Shinhyuk's POV

Hoyeon was still discussing for our project but Mark let her hurry up so we can leave. What the hell was he thinking? I wasn't prepared.

Mark and I hopped in his fancy sports car and he drove to where their studio is. "Don't feel pressured." Mark said, but it's like he's teasing me in a teasing tone. I just rolled my eyes and folded my arms.

Mark stopped the car in front of a black two-storey building. He turned off the engine and went off, but I didn't. Mark opened the shotgun door and gave me an annoying smile. "My cousin's not gonna eat you, but if you know what I'm saying."

I wanted to laugh and roll my eyes, but I just took off my seat belt and we walked towards the black building. "Welcome to our photo studio." Mark said. I was amazed at how organized it was. "That's still the appetizer. The real shit is in the second floor."

"Oh, you guys are finally here." Mark and I turned to the stairs and saw Haechan, his hair wet, his necktie loosened and three buttons unbuttoned. I wanted to grab my phone and take many pictures as I can. He looked hot.

Haechan went down the stairs and the both of them did their hand shake. After they did it, Haechan looked at me, his gaze suddenly intense.

I tried collecting myself and smiled. "Hi." I said in low voice. I feel like I'm so obvious-and maybe because I am! I just noticed that Mark wasn't there anymore. Ugh, that brat, leaving me in the hot seat.

Haechan inched his face closer to mine, and I can't move from where I'm standing. "Is that all you've got to say to me?" He asked. "W-What was I supposed to say rather than that?" I want to hit myself for stuttering.

Haechan licked his lower lip sexily and bit it. He took a strand of my hair and twirled it around his forefinger. "Can't I have an 'I love you'? Or a kiss?" He asked in a tone that's making me guilty.

"Uhm-" Haechan wrapped his delicate fingers on my chin and made me look him in the eye. Those beautiful orbs. I didn't know I'd see them this close. "Haechan.."

"Back then, all I think about is work. Now, why is it you?" I felt a thick blush on my cheeks. He could be playing with me. His gaze traveled down to my lips. Oh my God. Oh God. Shit.

When I blinked and opened my eyes, his lips was already on mine. I found my hands on his nape as he deepened the kiss. My dream was now my reality. I moved my lips to his and we both pulled away, catching our breaths.

I felt my face hot as we stared at each other. He smirked and chuckled. "Remember what I said? I'm still looking forward for more interactions," He kissed me again, but it was just quick. He smiled.

"Wait for me, okay?"


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