Family and Fractures (Rev. 2)

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Everfree, Castle of the Two Sisters Throne Room (20 BCR, Before Celestia's Rule)

A green female maid entered the throne room of the Cosmic sisters. "Your Highnesses. There is an issue in the royal garden."

The eldest stood up followed by the sibling. "Cloverfield, what happened?" asked Celestia.

"Did something happen to Discord?" asked Luna.

Cloverfield shook her head. "No. Nothing that severe. While the royal guards performed their morning patrols, one of them found someone."

"An intruder, then?" asked Luna.

The Cloverfield paused before speaking again. "Something like that. He found an unconscious young colt next to the gazebo."

"Come again?" asked the sisters.

Cloverfield nodded. "It is as I described. The guard found the colt, and we immediately contacted you."

Celestia stepped toward the center of the room along with Luna. "I see. Please, bring the colt here. We would like to see him for ourselves." Cloverfield quickly left, and a few minutes later, a couple of guards brought the sleeping colt in a bundle of blankets. "Thank you."

The sisters began to examine their potential intruder. Luna picked him up to get a better look and blinked at the situation. "This is quite a surprise." The colt's fur was white while his mane, tail, and hooves were black. The shift in movement caused him to shift. A few seconds later, bright blue eyes stared back at Luna. The infants smile pierced through her professional demeanor. "Hello, there."

Celestia shook her head. "The poor child. He must only be about two years old."

"What kind of parent does this?" Luna frowned before she turned to her sister. "Is there any identification on him?"

The first guard Iron Lance shook his head. "Sorry, your majesty. No." His reached into his pocket. "The only thing I found on him is this medallion." He handed it to the sister of the night.

Luna examined both sides. One held a green gem while the other had a gear-shaped symbol. She turned to Celestia. "CW. What do you suppose that means?" The colt in her arms reached for the object and started biting it. Luna chuckled at the naive antics.

Celestia shrugged. "It may be some sort of family crest, but I'm not familiar with anything like it." They have been alive for hundreds of years, so that statement meant a lot. She walked over and allowed the child to play with her hoof.

Luna rocked the colt gently. "If no one claims him, we'll have to send him to the local orphanage?"

Before Celestia answered. The young colt in Luna's arms snuggled onto Celestia's front hoof. She smiled at him. "Maybe."

One Month Later

No one had claimed the young colt. It saddened them that he no longer had parents, but Celestia proposed adopting him as their son.

Luna immediately opposed the idea. She argued that it would be a slippery slope. If they adopt this child abandoned on their castle grounds, other parents would leave their children here, hoping for their child to have a better life.

This didn't include political issues. The Noble families in the area would have their reservations about the adoption. Tensions from the old ways still lingered. Compared to the rest of Equestria, Everfree's demographic consisted mostly of Unicorns. This is mostly due to the Star Swirl the Bearded and the other Unicorns originally stationed here to move the Sun and Moon prior to having Celestia and Luna.

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