Candy Voice & Devil's Smile [Aoi(TheGazette)Fanfiction] 1.

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''WHYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY?'' a muffled scream echoed across the quiet apartment.

 When she opened her eyes she realized that what she was living or at least what she thought she was living, was just a dream. She actually had the same reaction every morning she opened her eyes to the real world.

The world in her head was so much better.

 She didn't want to get up just yet so she just streched her whole body in order to wash away from her mind the remnants of her once again vivid dream. She just kept on lying there staring at this certain poster that was on the wall in front of her bed. 

 She sighed and buried her head again in the pillow that muffled her wake-up screaming. ''Shit like that need to stop happening!'' she said angrily at herself clenching the pillow.

 When she decided she had to breathe, she got up from the bed. She realised she had slept with her eye contacts again, she didn't have a problem though. She stepped in the bathroom. It was still 6AM. She had all the time in the world to take a bath and whatnot. The phone call she was waiting for wasn't until 9AM. 

She stepped out of the bathroom. Wrapping the towel around her, letting the watter from her hair drip on the floor, she went inside her bedroom. She wore some panties and a bra. Clothes were unecessary yet. She looked herself in the mirror and smirked.

 ''Aren't you a little skinny kiddo?'' she said while she was stroking her almost flat stomach with her thumb. Her eyes fell on the reflection of the poster she was looking at earlier. Five handsome men were staring back at her. But she was only paying attention to the older one. She didn't let herself blink. This poster was somehow her favorite.

 She laughed at herself. She was twenty-three years old and she was still a huge fangirl of almost everything. Especially with visual kei and j-rock bands. That was one of the reasons she moved to Tokyo. Greece had nothing to offer her anymore. It had been already a month since she moved here. She was rather satisfied with her life here in Tokyo, so far. She had a part-time job at a telephone service company but she was also a make-up artist. She was making enough money to rent this apartment she was currently living in.

 She had her day off today from her part time job and she was expecting a call from an agency she had an interview three days ago. The chief lady, as she liked to call the head of the agency, was very satisfied with her work and the samples she had prepared for this interview. She told her that she would arrange her a meeting with a japanese band. 

 She bit her bottom lip nervously. If she was lucky enough, she would work for them. One-week's work meant enough money. Not only for paying her rent but for shopping too.

 'No need to be nervous.'' she said to herself as she grabbed a comb and started brushing her black hair. She was almost sure that the band would accept her to work for them. She payed lots of attention when it would come to the cosmetics subject. It was her favorite thing to do.

 She took her cellphone from the table that was next to the mirror. 'Half past seven, time for a cig'  she thought as she searched with her eyes for her Marlboro Menthol, her favorite brand. She went to the kitchen. She found them on the fridge next to the ashtray. She forgot to empty it last night and now the smell of the last-night cigarettes was entering her nostrils making her want to smoke as soon as possible. She lit a cigarette. As she inhaled the smoke, she felt her head becoming lighter. She watched the smoke floating in the air. She took the ashtray and sat on the floor.  She had plenty of chairs but she didn't feel like sitting on them.

 She sat there for several minutes. She didn't realise the time had passed. The ashtray was more than full now, some of the ashes were on the floor contrasting with the white tiles. She heard her cell phone ringing. 'Was it nine already?'  She put out the cigarette and ran at her bedroom. She picked it up.

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