Chapter One

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The bell had just rung, releasing us from school. I was walking down the broken sidewalk, holding onto my backpack straps as I looked at the concrete below my feet occasionally kicking a pebble her and there with my boots. Someone grabbed me by the shoulder, pulling me back a little. I looked up. "Hey Creepy." A named Mitchelle said smugly, an obnoxious smirk on his face. "Got any plans for this weekend? Buying more black lipstick? Messing with a ouija board to conjure ghost and demons? " He cackled as he adjusted his jacket. "Actually no," I replied with a calm tone, "Unlike you, I don't need a ouija board to talk to ghosts and demons." This time I laughed.

Mitchelle chuckled awkwardly as he slowed down. I continued past him, no intention of keeping conversation with an idiot. I smirked to myself as I continued, "I'm really not kidding." I wanted to say.

I quietly look around. The leaves were falling, all the branches barren and reaching out like a skeleton's fingers. I look ahead to the cemetery coming up on my right, a cat that always waits for me sat next to a small headstone. I clicked my tongue at him, his translucent body began to trot toward me. His meow was very guttural, most would mistake it for a growl from a small dog. "Hi Felix," I greeted. I have no clue what color he is, or rather was. His ribs were slightly concave and his tail bent in an awkward direction at the tip. I assumed he was hit by a car.

He brushed up against my leg, just as a living cat would. The skin on my leg immediately got cold and tingles shot all the way up my body, I've gotten used to it by now. I continued walking as I quietly talked to the cat.

" Hey Iris!" A woman's high pitched New York accent that reminds me of Harley Quinn caught my attention. I looked over to a woman named Margaret with short wavy blonde hair and a flapper dress. " Hi Margaret." I waved back with a smile.

"Come see me tomorra!"I've got lots ta talk about."

"You can count on it."

I waved a goodbye and I continued my walk home with Felix, he occasionally gave a grumbly meow as he trotted near my feet. I lived in an old cottage looking house, beige walls on the inside, brick walls on the outside. My bedroom was particularly different from the other rooms. A photo of Frankenstein's Bride was nailed to my wall right above one of my bed posts, candles everywhere, a black comforter and striped pillows, my closet looked like an octopus colored everything with jet black ink.

I threw my backpack to one corner near my closet and layed on my bed, Felix jumped up beside me. I looked at his blue-ish haze and white eyes. He got closer, sniffed my face and left an icy chill on my cheeks with a soft tingling feeling. I think it's funny, on every paranormal show the talk about how they get these icy cold feeling down their neck, or their skin tingles. Most logical people can tell their acting without every even going to an acting class, but that really is what it feels like. When a ghost touches you, or vice versa, your skin gets terribly cold, it will tingle, and if you touch them for too long you'll get pins and needles.

I rubbed my eyes, trying to think of something to do for the rest of the day. I could work on my art project. No. I could finish a chapter of The Great Gatsby that my English teacher wanted me to catch up on. Nah. I finally decided on watching South Park in the living room and eating leftover mac n' cheese for dinner. Felix layed on the edge of the foot rest to the couch.

He always came home with me. I first met him when I was about seven or so. I was at the park with my mom one day, sitting behind a slide and poking at a small spider with a stick. I heard him meow, I thought he was dying from the way it sounded but he trotted up like he was just fine. I could tell there was something wrong with him. He was blue, see through, and one side of his body was crushed. I had teared up a little, thinking of how he was probably hit by a car and his family was probably very upset. I had decide then that he was my cat, and his old family wouldn't have to worry so much. I think i did it for myself more than the family as I had always wanted a cat but Mom would never let me. It took me two weeks to decide what to name him. That was such a long time ago, ten years ago. 

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