Messed Up!

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"C'mon girls let's have one more drink." Alisha said raising her glass but I shook my head.

"You guys continue, I'll just use the washroom." I told them and Mitali too got up.

"I'll come with you, even I want to use the washroom. " She said but Alisha held her hand.

"No no, I won't let you goooo." Alisha was completely wasted and somebody had to be with her. We cannot leave her alone.

"Mitali, you go and I'll stay with her. After you'll come back, I'll go and use the washroom, we cannot leave her alone like this. " I told her and she nodded before heading towards the washroom, leaving me with a drunk Alisha.

"You know Sanyukta?" She asked and I looked at her.

"What? " I asked and she began sobbing. Oh God! Not again.

"It was not my fault, it was all his fault. Why couldn't he trust me?" She cried talking about her ex causing me to sigh.

"I know. " I tried to console her.

"No you don't know anything! I loved him so much but still, still he didn't trust me. " She was crying loudly by now but thankfully the music was louder.

"It's okay Baby, you'll find someone better. " I told her and she looked at me with her eyebrows furrowed.

"Noo! He is the best!" She yelled and I saw Mitali walking towards us, causing me to sigh in relief.

"Mitali, look after her, I'll be back. " I escaped and headed towards the washroom but my way was blocked by a guy.

"Excuse me. " I excused myself but he just came closer and with his unbearable breath, I realised he was completely drunk.

" Move away." I took a step back and stood on an arm distance from him but he took one more step towards me.

"Why are you alone Hotty? Need company? " He asked stumbling towards me but before he could fall on me, someone pulled me from my waist and he fell on the floor.

A shiver ran down through my body feeling the touch of a hand on my waist and I immediately looked at my side to find a really tall guy looking down at the drunkard.

Honestly, he is the most handsome guy I've ever laid eyes on and I just hope he's not another creep.

"You are welcome. " He said looking at me and my eyes met his captivating ones for the first time, making me forget the whole world.

His eyes were darker than a night and colder than ice. I felt a tingling sensation in my tummy and gulped, not able to take so much at the same time.

"Thank you. " I thanked him and he left my waist, leaving the sensation behind.

I wanted to be touched, by him.

Shut up Sanyukta!

Shaking my thoughts away, I headed towards the washroom without giving him a second look because if I'll look at him, the alcohol will win and I'll lose all my self control.

Getting inside the washroom, I breathed heavily before washing my face and composing myself.

How can a man at only one glance leave me asking for more? This is absurd!

But there's no doubt that he is worth fantasising about!

Ugh! I'm not thinking about him after this. Not even a bit!

I came back to my friends to find no one on the stools anymore, instead both were dancing on the dance floor, causing me to shake my head.

If it was some other day, I would have joined them but not today. I needed some fresh air so I headed out of the club in the parking area and exhaled deeply.

The smell of alcohol will damage my nostrils one day!

Shaking my head, I looked around and my eyes widened when I saw the same hot guy who saved me earlier,  standing at some distance from me. But no it wasn't him who shocked me, it was the guy standing in front of him, holding the hottie at gun point.

The guy with the gun had his back facing me and the Hottie looked shockingly unaffected. He was giving him a bored expression which seemed to be angering the guy with the gun.

He said something to Hottie, which I couldn't hear due to the distance but the Hottie still didn't react.

He has helped me and now it was my turn. But what can I do? That guy has a gun. Looking here and there for some help, I found a big stone kept aside.

Slowly, I picked that up and walked towards them without making any noise.

Even the Hottie was still to notice me as he was paying his full attention to the gun man.

Both of them were extremely tall and it really helped me in hiding behind gun man and before anyone of them could notice me, I hit the gun man's head with the stone really hard.

"Aah. " He yelled before holding his head that was bleeding now and passing out.

Damn! Did I kill him?

My eyes widened looking at him falling on his face and passing out. What if he is dead? Oh God Sanyukta! Why did you had to be the superwoman and pull this stunt? What if he is dead? Am I a murderer? No no please no! Oh my God!

Gulping, I dropped the stone and jumped backwards.

"You. " I looked up at the Hottie hearing his voice and found him looking at me with amazement.

"I-um I. " I couldn't speak anything and looked at the lying man again.

My heart beat was becoming faster than flash and seeing two well built guys, who looked like bodyguards, running towards me with huge guns didn't helped either.

Breathing heavily, I turned around and ran for my life towards the Club's exit. I'll inform the girls later, I need to run asap.

"Hey. " One of the bodyguard's yelled but thankfully no one followed me.

I sat inside the first auto I saw and gave him my address before messaging Mitali that I've left.

Since they don't know that I was with the girls, the girls won't face any problem.

I reached home in around 15 minutes and sighed in relief. I just hope that man is not dead.

The sound of the door bell ringing made me jolt and I had to take deep breaths before going to open the door.

There was no one but as I was about to get inside I saw a bouquet kept on the doorstep.

Frowning, I picked it up and took out the card.

Though your bravery wasn't really needed, but still thanks. He is not dead, so don't even think of going to the police.

I have my eyes on you.

And I don't think any designation is needed but still.

Yours sincerely

My eyes widened at the note and I left the card and bouquet immediately. Getting inside my house, I locked the door and my breathing became heavy.

How did he got my address! Oh my good God, am I coming to you soon? How did I even managed to get my life so much messed up in just few hours? Talent!




Since HIS FOREVER is ending and I'll miss my Mafia Randhir wayyyy toooo much. So here it is.

I just hope the support and love just increases!

Don't forget to leave your views on this one, please!


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 07, 2019 ⏰

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