A little girl playing dress up
Stumbling around in her moms heals
And a dress from her closet
Dancing with dad, her dashing knight in shining armour
Watching Cinderella, snow white, sleeping beauty
"I want to be a princess" she would say
Now 16 and driving, drinks at parties her dad gone
No longer a Knight in shining armour
But a villain
She repted the street
Her gang flag in her back pocket
Her fist used as a weapon
Her crown, now a tattoo
Her heals, now stolen
Now 21 with a child of her own
Dancing for men, Struggling to pay the bills
Her gown now gone
Her castle, now a small one bedroom apartment
Her prince, like snow white, disappeared into the woods, nowhere to be seen
Her daughter, play dress up
Stumbling around in her mom's platform heels
Her knight in shining armour, her mother
"I want to be a princess" she would say