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Well, Tiffany's love life hasn't changed lately.... Except for one thing.

That thing is the note. Her friend wrote Tiffany's number down and her name, and she put it on HIS desk. He opens it, crumples it up, and throws something away. Was it the note or was it something else? We still don't know. Will destiny come her way... or will it come back to haunt her later? So there's this girl who we all know and don't love. She has been flirting with Tiffany's crush. All of our friends at our lunch table are angry. She has liked him for about 8 days, but Tiffany has liked him for 9 years! It's clear that he belongs with Tiffany and NOT her. We even found a table that said,"Destiny was here." We were just talking about that word a minute ago too. Tiffany also got a coke that same day that said,"Share a Coke with your Soulmate." Something else that happened that day was that they wore the same colors. Who does that?! These are SIGNS!!!!


So it is January 28 2015 and there have been more coincidences.
Where do I start? Tiffany's crush has really been "checking her out". In gym class, we were playing on my iPod Touch and I sneakily took a picture and he was watching her play the game! I couldn't believe it and neither could Tiffany. Well I was in World History class and we had to trade study guides with someone and I got Tiffany's crush's paper. Well I was completing the study guide when I happen to look at the top left hand corner of the paper. On the corner of the paper it had Tiffany's initials on it next to a heart. A couple weeks after this happens, something weird happens. So we were all sitting at the lunch table and Tiffany's crush sits behind her. We go through lunch without any problems and he gets up to leave. As he gets up to leave he hits Tiffany's chair with his. He gets mad and he GROWLS at her. What the heck man?! The next few weeks or so are normal. One week after that, we are at lunch... once again. So we were all talking and playing on our phones and I see him glance in Tiffany's direction. I look over slowly to see what he is doing, and he is staring at her butt. Once again... What the heck man?!??!? So at this point Harmony and I are laughing at him. I decided to act normal and record him looking there. I actually got him on video... looking at her butt! That day was PRICELESS. January 28, yesterday we were in the new gym waiting for the bell. Tiffany and I decided to trade food, so she gave me whales and I gave her Doritos. Well I was in World History class and my brother wanted some whales. I told him that Tiffany gave them to me. (need I remind you, I have this class with her crush.) Right when I say her name, he looks at me and smirks. I shrug it off and text Tiffany about it. I lol over at him and he is texting his friend. All I can read are two words: Calli and Tiffany....

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 30, 2015 ⏰

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