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So here I am sitting in jail, now let me start from where it all began.

My names alexys martens, but for short alex. I was sitting in class one day when the jocks started bothering me, now I'm not one to start a fight but I will end it. "What's uP lil bitch

." Trent says flicking my head, "Nothing much just fuckin your girlfriend." I reply with a smirk knowing that pissed him off.

"Why would my girl go after a tomboy ass bitch like you?" He sneers as I laugh. We're in the middle of gym class so I take this chance to pick him up by his throat and toss him on the ground, before walking away to run my laps. He decides to swing on me, which I graciously dodge while I beat the fuck out of him.

——————Later when she's home——

I soon get a call from the school saying I put a student in the hospital and that the police are on their way. I'm a foster kid, never knew my parents but was put in and out of foster homes, so I pack my shit and make a run for it. Just as I walk out the door twenty police cars are lined up around my house. "Puts your hands over your head and get on the ground!" They say. Pause, now this is where I fucked up.

"That's what I told your girl last night." I sneer as a bunch of policemen laugh at the embarrassed chief. Two hours later I'm where I'm at now sharpening a toothbrush as a shank, I know what your going to say "but Alex you can't kill." The fuck I can't. As the chief opens my cell so I could go outside I stab him and make a run for it, but not before taking a police outfit. As I walk passed guards and out to freedom I snicker. "Stupid dumbass's." I mumble to myself before hopping in a police car and driving away having hot wired the car. And that's when I feel it. My vision increasing and my hearing going haywire as my bones start to ache.

I jump out the car into the woods and start to walk, soon I fall over to the ground my bones making a weird popping noise as I do so. Soon the pain stops and I look down only to see big blue gray white paws making me pass out.

—————The end of this chap————-

Hey guys :D I hope you enjoyed

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