1. A Girl's Power

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Each and every one has been given a life, well then it's up to you to love your life or totally hate it.
They say nobody is perfect, but I really find that so hard to believe. If you could take 1 seconds and look at me, you will know the definition of perfection.

I have been blessed with a glamorous life, beyond blessed if I have to say.
If you think your girlfriend is HOT, you haven't seen something yet.
I have the looks that any girl could ever want. Everything of mine from head to toe is perfect, no back flashes.

Beauty chose me. With my pure blond hair and slim fit body. One thing about beauty I learned is, beauty is not just an ability, but it is a weapon.
You can easily fight against bullying, men, and get what you want just because of beauty.
Being beautiful is the strongest weapon I use to attract any bad attractions in my life.

I have also the weapon of intelligence. I'm the top student in school and received plenty awards from academics, so much thatbI had to give up some for charity.

I have the weapon of richness in me, my dad being a very powerful politician. Let me break it down for you, my dad is not just a politician but thee future President of Mexico.
I live with my mom and dad in a very huge mansion and attend the county's best private school.

And that is why, I would consider myself 'Perfect'.

As I walk through the corridors of my school, guys all over the place are drooling non-stop, I get all their attention and even the girl's as well.

I open my locker and take out the books I will need for the next period and here they are, my two favorite girls. Asha and Nicko.
They are my only friends in the school since the other girls hate me. Well of course, if you are very good-looking, smart, successful and perfect you will attract more haters than ever. And that's just how I like it.

You see, the people who hate you are the ones that will focus a lot on your life more than the ones who love you. They always await for that glitch in which they can bring you down, but too bad they have never seen one in my life.

As I was saying, Asha and Nicko my two girlfriends since kindergarten.
Nicko is labeled as the bitch of the squad.
She change boyfriends like changing underwear, Nicko has the power of male attention all over her.
She is rude and dumb if I have to say, one time when we got our school term results back she hid at my house the whole day long without her parent seeing her bad results. Now I guess they are used to it.

You can separate a lot of things in this world but that one thing you just can't, would have to be Nicko and her phone. For Nicko, checking your likes on Instagram is the new smoking. She would take semi naked pictures, and post them right away, not caring about what people say about her.
She is blessed when it comes to social media, her dream is to be a social media consultant. I don't quite trust Nicko at all.

As for Asha, she is a darling.
She takes a lot of my strengths and power like, beauty, intelligence and self-confidence. Asha is the only girl in the squad that has never dated a guy before.
Ask her why, and she will say "Dating is just a waste of time."
Asha is that one friend I'd trust with my life, she is loyal, but she struggles to open up to her feelings.
Anyway I love my friends, they are the reason I still keep up with my life.

"Monia did you talk to your dad about borrowing his Viano for tonight." Nicko asks.

I give her a generous nod. "All taken care of. Just make sure we don't wear the same outfit for tonight."

Tonight will be a good night, me and the girls are going to a mask party. It's a party where girls have to wear a mask and it's either you go with a date, or you'll find your date there. Trust me, you wouldn't want to go there alone.

This year's mask party is the only time when I have to look for a date there, simply because the guys in my school aren't dating Material really. They still need a bit of growing up to do.

"Guys I can't go, I have a lot of work to do you know." Asha states.

Wellnat this point I'm not surprised, Asha always delays when it comes to these kinda things. I don't know why, but she is never comfortable going to parties or crowded places.

"Asha stop making up excuses, we all know that you never attend Mask Parties." Nicko says.

"Girl, only adults go there. My brother likes going there and if he sees, me there I'm more dead than alive." Asha finally confesses.

Anyway I never had a problem with her not going, I always enjoy going with Nicko since she is free in spirit, she's crazy in a good way, and she really knows how to have fun.

The school bell rings, and we all make our way to class which is English now.

Our English teacher is another version of 'fake it till you make it'.
She's too old, annoying, boring, and way out of my league.
In English period, people do all sorts of wierd things, even looking at the wall becomes interesting when we in English. However, because of my IQ, getting good grades for English is still easy.

And there comes that time when the last bell of the day rings and everyone jumps out immediately as if there is a fire at the school.

Great, now I just need to prepare myself for an outfit to wear tonight on the Mask Party.

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