Chapter One1: The Meet

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As I walk outside with Levi and try and find out what our next move is towards fighting and killing the titans, i walk by and notice my jacket which i had needed for work was left back in the room we had just left. I told Levi that i'd meet him back at the main entrance and he agreed and walked on. as i walked back into the meeting room too grab it and was about too head back out when suddenly *THUMP* i knocked into something....or was it someone....?? i wasn't so sure cause i was on the ground with my glasses sitting next too me as they got launched off my face by accident. " oh shit are you okay??!! my apologize let me help you up!!". I hard a kind man's voice as he helped me up and picked up my glasses carefully putting them back on my head so I can see better. And when  he did.... I was......flustered for the first time.... my face turned red as I noticed his adorable kind smile asking me if i was okay. "o-h y-yeah I'm fine t-thank you!!" I smile back and we chat for about five minutes exchanging names before leaving too carry on with our duties too protect the people in different towns.

before walking away too meet with Levi i smile him a good-bye before walking out the door and without me noticing he blushed at my smile as he waved back a friendly good-bye. When i make it back too Levi i see him talking with one of the other teams Chiefs. When he see's me he tells me too come over too him too talk about our next move once again. as he did that i could barely pay attention while thinking of sweet Erwin and his bootiful smile that warmed my heart. Levi then snapped me out of it asking me if I was okay cause, my face was as red as a bright red apple. I said I was fine and continued on talking about our plan of how too get all these people too safety. Then I noticed Erwin walking by talking about the plans also. I blushed again as Levi saw without me noticing and smiled at me as i look at him cause, he thought it was a great ship. ((Me: says you and Eren Levi~  Levi: *slaps the author*also me: OW ;-; okay okay lets continue ;-;))

soon before we knew it, it was sun down. the titans decided too retire for the night and show up again in the morning. so we talk and eat at our dinner tables then some of us retire as well as some of us stayed up all night staying on gaurd making sure there weren't any "guests" coming around during the night.

The next morning we all got up early getting our weapons prepared heading out into the forest too hunt down some titans too capture or/and kill as a head start so, others wouldn't be so caught up with us and the towns that were left standing cause, of the walls keeping them away on the outside of the town.

When, we head back after fighting titans and winning Levi instructed me too go too Erwin's room too invite him down for a chat meeting. when i stand in front of his bedroom door i knock softly then open the door seeing if he was there. little did i know what was behind that door at any moment. When, i called out too him he was standing in front of his bed back faced towards me as he was soaked in water i turned as red as a chilly pepper cause, he wasn't wearing a shirt. As he turned he jumped back in startlement from my approach as we both freak out and i apologize and run out the door. before i did though *blushing* i didn't want too mention that i saw his wonderfully fresh Abs ((Me: omggg what am i doinnnnnn??!! THIS BURNSSSSSS))

i kept picturing his Abs i was then shy and nervous too approach him face too face. Suddenly the door behind me swung open as i get startled along with Erwin who didn't know i was still standing there at his door as his face was a red chilly pepper as well. "U-Uh.... D-Do you need something....??" he says as one hand is still on the door knob and his other hand rubbing the back of his head in embarressment.

"U-Uh..." i replied. "L-Levi s-said he wanted you down stairs f-for s-something" we both studdered. "O-Oh O-Okay i'll go right away!!, thank you for informing me Mia" he says with a nervous flustered face. I nod my head and walked away as quick as i could back downstairs too see what the others were doing trying too calm my nerves down so people wouldn't see me or they would think i'm ill or something. However Levi noticed her before she fully calmed down as he was happy about Mia liking Erwin.

                                                                           Too Be Continued

                                                                                   -Ulixes H.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 05, 2019 ⏰

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