Lil cup was walking down the street (rolling) when a man on a side walk is in his path. "Babe You was at the club when I first met you!" He cried "I went bottoms up!" He yelled. Lil cup was big sad since he wasn't used and thrown away by a man named despacio. "Yo waz up ma manz, ize neva bean uses, can ya boi gets a chonce?" Lil cup said. The man took the cup and said to the phone "yippee ki yay I got a new cup now loser." Lil cup was big happiness noise and started to lick the apostrophe looking eyebrows. Yee Yee My (insert n word pass hear) we gon luv each other for ever uwu."
They lived happily ever after but then he sang a song with lil cup.
"You was at the club, bottoms up when I first met you, couldn't get enough, had to get you straight towards my bed room" THEN THEY WERE FAMOUS OWO HOPE UPU ENJOY CAN THIS GETS 2 reads re e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e