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"We're singing RadioHead at the top of our lungs..." A smile is still frozen on my face. The beat of the drums vibrate my whole body.

"...with the boom box blaring as we're falling in love..."

"I absolutely adore Avril's outfits! They're like, the hottest things ever!" Girly squealing starts to blend with the music, but I can hear it perfectly.

Typical Lavigne fan that I am.

" a bottle of whatever, but it's getting us drunk..."

"Wouldn't you agree, girlfriend?" She playfully nudges me. My sense of fashion has changed since seeing Avril's latest music videos. A mix of punk girl meets twenty-five different shades of grey, blue, purple, and black. More of a bruise colored wardrobe, my used-to-be bestie during sophomore year told me.

She can go fuck herself, I think with a smirk. Either that or her body can be on a movie poster, rated E for Everyone.

I look at her. She grins back at me as we scream the last words on my lips for the day. "...singing here's to never growing up!"

A screeching noise buzzes through my ears, practically pulsing my ear drums.

The force of metal on metal contacts my head and now...nothing.

But, that's the thing. It's not just nothing.

It's everything at once, but then again, nothing at all. That's just how things in life are, right? Everything yet nothing?

Like your favorite band, for example. They mean everything to you, but if you didn't like them, they'd equal an absolute zero in your life.

I'm kind of a weird girl, as you may already be able to tell. I like to consider myself weird, but if people call me weird, I just brush it off my shoulder like dust.

Nothing and everything. Black and white. Ketchup and mustard. Yin and yang. Boy and girl. Love and hatred.

Complete opposites, yet together, they keep the world spinning on its axis.

How is that possible that two unlikely things combined can continue the world's existence alone? The answer? I'm not exactly for sure.

What I do know is this: that in these crucial moments that my world is twisted into what I am now, is the difference between nothing and everything.

* * *

Hey! So I'm pretty excited you've made it past the first part! Congratulations, you should get a ribbon.

Okay, to be honest, it's a little wacko, I know. But hopefully you'll get into it some more after the first chapter, part, thingy... *cricket chirp*

...anyways! Feel free to comment all you'd like, questions you can message me directly or just comment, like I said. Was that not obvious the first time through?

I'm hoping to add more as soon as I get more ideas for the beginning, might take a week at minimum.

Well, let the life of this commence forth! (Yeah, I'm partially'll get used to it eventually...)

~Andrea~ 💕

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