Tag #1

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I was tagged by; 

Name: UHHHHHhhHhhHhhh Just call me Hershy or Hershi 

Zodiac Sign: Virgo Leo Cusp (is a big boi word :O)

Favorite Food: Cheese Whiz (actually though it's delicious) unless you're being serious-
then it's gotta be Lobster Tail

Favorite Season: Summer

Jeans or Shorts: JEANS JEANS JEANS JEANS JEANS. J E A N S. J  E  A  N  S  .

Where are you from: California 

Last Book You've Read: I think it was Before We Were Strangers

Dream Vacation: The back of my closet (the dresser is really firm so i can sit on it :D)

Eye Colour (yeah i spell it like that): Brown

Natural Hair Colour: Black

Height: 5'3

Introvert or Extrovert: Introvert.

Tea Or Coffee: Both

Do You Work Out Regularly?: *nervous sweating*

Favorite Drink: Anything that can keep me up for more than 2 hours 

Any Pets: I have a dog named Tiger (we call him Tyjo) and I had a fish named Gilbert 

Ideal Day Off: Home Alone, blasting P!ATD

Single Or Taken: Single (I mean, who's gonna love ME?)

Something Unique About You: uhhhhhhhhhh....... does being a dumber than dumb dumbass count?

Selfie (optional): Nah fam i'm ugly i'll pass

Tag 21 People























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