chapter 1

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beep beep beep beep!


Adison threw her alarm clock across the room. She sat up and rubbed her face. "I hate mornings" she groaned. Adison got up and went to the bathroom and got ready. She brushed her tangly read hair, washed her face, brushed her teeth came downstairs.

Mom: "Good morning honey"

Adison: "Morning"

Mom: "Honey, what have I told you about wearing those 'band shirts?"

Adison: "That they're disturbing and the music they make is trash"

Mom: "then why are you wearing them?" Adison: "because, you and dad always tell myself to put myself out there, so that is what I'm doing. I'm expressing my passion for loud music that's relateable." she smiled and cocked her head sarcastically. Her mom sighed, she knew she wouldn't win this, and Adison knew that, and it made her quite happy.

Mom: "Are you going to eat darling?"

Adison: "eh, I'm not that hungry. I'll eat at school" wich her and her mom both knew was a lie

Mom: "Hun, you gotta eat. It's not good for you" Adison sat there with a blank stare

Mom: "You aren't starving yourself are you?"

Adison: "No mom."

Mom: "Okay, good."

Adison didn't like this conversation. So she stood up and stretched, grabbing her backpack on the other chair.

Adison: "Well, don't wanna be late to school."

Mom: "Thats my girl." She smiled and kissed Adison on the cheek. "Have a lovely day at school little lady."

Adison smiled and went out the door. "Ick" she wiped her face with both hands. She sighed and continued walking. As she was walking to the bus stop she watched each breath in the October air. Oh yeah, Halloween is coming up. She thought. she got lost in thought of what she would dress up as. She stopped walking and the bus came 3 minutes later.

The bus screeched to a stop. The door opened to a man with short black hair, and a white scarf witch had the crumbs of doritos on. She has had this bus driver for four years now, and so far out of all bus drivers hes her favorite. She walks on the bus and sits in the front seat. Nobody sits there but her. And she likes talking to the bus driver. Sometimes he gives her little candies.

Bus driver: "Good morning Adison" he speaks loudly

Adison: "Good morning Tony" she smiles.

Everyone makes racist black jokes about this bus driver. She hates it. He doesn't seem to care though, he just doesn't here them or ignores them. But occasionally he'll make a joke about the kids who make jokes about him. Normally he says them only loud enough for Adison to here, Sometimes loud enough for the whole bus to hear. And she enjoys that because it's always the same kid. Alex. What an idiot. She always rolls her eyes when he talks because he's so annoying, and full of himself. Unfortunatley, his best friend is Matthew. Matthew Espinosa. He's nice though, witch is a releif. He doesn't laugh at Alex's jokes all the time, so thats good. It's unfortunate because Matthew is Adison's best friends. So she's always with Alex too. All the kids have been in the same school since pre-school. So everybody knows each other. So painfully enough Alex knows everything about Adison. The bus comes to a stop. And Adison waits for everyone to get off. Then she does. ugh, school. Can't decide whats worse, fake food or fake people?

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 10, 2014 ⏰

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