Your life is getting so sad, you're alone, with your friends which is a good thing,, but there's still that "alone" factor. You got rejected again, I told you this would happen but you still didn't listen cause you wanted your life to be thrilling like Gucci or Yeezy,, You have these 2 most wonderful friends you could ever ask for: Coochie and Suzy, Coochie's alone sometimes but then she has her boyfriend, Suzy has someone but doesn't like her back (yet) ...
Me?? I cry alone at my room every night (which people don't believe but its genuinely true) , I think about my crappy life and how to make it better, and then I try to make it better, but it doesn't work.... I try to not think about being "alone" but its hard when you're surrounded by people who have someone, but u know what Paul? Yeah you got rejected, your life is stressful, your family isn't doing well, your grades might even be lower than before, you haven't completely gotten over the fact that you loved someone who's dead now, alot of people are being a hypocrite to you, BUT even if all those things are going on in your head.. You still smile cause of Coochie and Suzy and the squad HAHA, so don't let them go or else everything's going to be so much harder to process, tbh they're the ones holding you up right now,,
BE GRATEFUL SIS. Without them you would've committed suicide already, protect them ok? and keep them close aight?
See? You're not so alone after all, just be with the people you love to figure yourself out easier, its gonna be hard but u know this doesn't just happen overnight. Stay strong and cry if you want to... heck you can even cry at class hours...BUT DON'T DO THAT you'll make a scene HAHA... Let's learn to love ourselves even if it takes us years. <3
-Paul <3
Paul Withers' Gay Diary
RomanceHeY SiS!!! I'm Paul Withers, a young, bisexual writer and an art student, and i wanted a place where i could just let out all my bottled up feelings. I wanted to write it in my notes in my phone but I wanted to share my ShiZzy life to other people...