Magick Wands

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Hello my little witches!! 

Now, the first thing you want to do when it comes to wands, is feel for a theme. When I was making mine I felt more of a Native American vibe. So mine is more Native Americany. The second thing you will want to do is think of or find a good wood that means something to you. For me, I'm really drawn to birch wood. So when I went camping and found a birch tree, I was ecstatic. I spent the entire weekend carving it the way I wanted. You can add whatever you feel right. Mine I added leather string the whole way up almost to the top, and red white and black feathered tassel thing on the bottom. I also glued a peice of golden healing on the bottom.

If you end up making one following this, send my a picture!!

Heres mine

~✨cursed seeker✨~

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~✨cursed seeker✨~

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