Part 1

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They stepped off the stage after the show, it was such an adrenaline rush every time they performed. Ben loved being on the tour and he got on well with the rest of them but obviously the part he loved the most was getting to dance with and spend time with his fiancée Amy. They didn't usually get to spend this much time together if she was off on the strictly tour or doing something related so it was nice that they could at least spend this time together.

He smiled over at her as they reached the backstage room and she started taking her shoes off. The boys area was separated by a curtain but the other girls hadn't started getting changed yet anyway, still buzzing from that nights show, so he could stay and watch Amy for a moment. He was still a little worried about her, she hadn't been feeling too well all day. She looked tired and rundown, though he had attributed that to it being nearly the end of the first leg of the tour so everyone was feeling slightly exhausted given how much they had been doing and also they were coming off the back of a full week of shows in a row with only a couple days off afterwards. Amy had spent both days working at their dance studio, as usual. She never seemed to stop and whilst Ben loved her determination and passion he was also looking forward to treating her to a holiday after this leg of the tour where she could finally just relax and take a breather before the final leg started.

He watched her as she took off her other shoe, noticing Patrick and Pasquale walk past him to the lads section he turned around and told them he would be there soon. He then heard a thud, and heard Dianne scream. He quickly turned back again and Amy was lying on the floor. He rushed over to her, calling her name and stroking her face to get her to open her eyes. It wasn't the first time she had fainted from exhaustion, though the truth this time was to be much more sinister.

Amy's whole body started to rock and shake. Ben gasped, moving away to give her space and encouraging the girls to stand back. The boys had also come back to see what was happening and they all just watched as Amy's body shook violently.

"Should we do something? Call an ambulance?" Dianne asked, clearly worried and panicking about her best friend. Chloe just seemed to be frozen in shock.

"I think she's having a seizure" Patrick said, and Ben nodded. He sighed, Amy had not wanted him to tell the others but he was going to have to do. Really he should've seen the signs coming, they had been so busy and Amy was usually so good at managing her own meds with a few prompts from him every now and then. She hadn't actually had a seizure, to his knowledge anyway, in over a year and certainly never in front of her strictly colleagues.

"Amy has epilepsy" Ben explained, the others looked part shocked part almost relieved that at least this hadn't happened out of the blue "She rarely has seizures now but it can still affect her, she doesn't like people knowing as she worries they will treat her different or think she's incapable of doing things like going on tour"

"So how can we help?" Pasquale asked and Ben formulated a plan in his head. He took off his watch and gave it to Chloe. The seizure did seem to be slowing down.

"Chlo, it's been 3 minutes so far. You keep an eye on her and the watch, if the seizure is longer than 10 minutes ((authors note: in reality it's 5 minutes but I extended it for this story)) then that's when we need to call an ambulance"

"Patrick, can you tell everyone at the stage door that we won't be out tonight? There's no point in keeping them waiting as she's clearly not going to be up to it" the fact that Chloe and Dianne wouldn't want to either was unspoken but easily agreed.

"Pasquale I need you to help me get some stuff from the car, there's her emergency medication that I always keep plus some first aid things to keep her comfortable until we can get home and a blanket and pillow to help whilst she recovers"

"What can I do?" Asked Dianne, a little shakily. Ben turned to his fiancées best friend with a small smile, resting a caring hand on her shoulder.

"I need you to stay here with Chloe. If she wakes up whilst I'm gone she will need a familiar face nearby. I'll need you to be with her and look after her" Ben said, giving Dianne a quick one armed hug to soothe her nerves. She nodded and hugged him back, watching as everyone else dashed off to do their assigned jobs.

Chloe and Dianne stopped where they were as everyone else rushed away, watching Amy carefully. Chloe was diligently checking the time on the watch and keeping count, whilst it was now Diannes turn to feel frozen to the spot. She hated to see her best friend like this. Part of her was wondering why Amy hadn't told them about her condition, she could understand the girl not wanting the producers or fans to know about it but surely she trusted her friends to keep it a secret. Still, she reminded herself, it was the girls choice to make and nobody else's. At least Ben was there and he knew what was going on and how to help.

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