e-Solutions is leading strategic digital signature ccertificate provider company in India that win the customer trust with their service. It has 10000 clients inside the india and it issue 10 lac digital signature. We have seen a last few years ago that paper work for authorization where mandated for all type of work in any office such as tendering, filing and other purposes. But today everyone want to convenient by information technology. All paper works are very lengthy and time taking process and it is also unsecured and non transparent work. Today, maximum paper work is converted in digital work in IT world. It is very easy to use, easy to data manage and convenient for any people. Digital Signature is becomes one of the best example of IT world that makes very convenient in e-Filing, E-tendering and Income Tax File Returns. It also enable secure transaction for a large amount of currency. If you are getting DSC then it uses for any purposes as their authentication level and validity time without any doubt.
Digital Signature is an electronically encoded form of information regarding your company or an individual essential for online process. It is used to sign an electronic document, but it doesn’t work directly on the electronic document. To sign an electronic document an individual needs to take certificate fetched with a trust key provided by certified company. It is fully fetched with all secure information necessary for authentication in any identification in office work and it approved by the certifying authority or government agency. Digital Signature Certificate is normally classified into three kinds: Class2, Class 3 and DGFT Digital Signature Certificate.
Class 2 is applicable for filing and signing of documents in several organizations like the Ministry of Corporate Affairs, Income-Tax Department, Employees' Provident Fund Organization, Banking Sector and Companies for e-Tendering.
Class 3 is applicable for very high secure transaction and authentication in various departments like Online Procurement, Electronic Ticketing Facility, online tendering, online auction, online bidding, online filing of documents and forms for trademark and patent.
DGFT Digital Signature Certificates are issued to the EXIMs organization for communication with DGFT and filing documents to DGFT Department. The EXIMs organization must have IEC code to get the Digital Signature.
Controller General of Patents, Designs and Trademarks issues a trademark, a patent and a copyright certificate in India. To get a trademark certificate, a company needs to file the documents and apply to the department. This process is highly authenticated and it needs a digital authentication by a Digital Signature for Trademark E-filing. It is mandated by the Controller General of Patents, Designs and Trademark to use Class 3A/B Digital Signature Certificate as Digital Signature for Trademark E-filing.