Unplanned Journey

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This wasn't how I planned to spend my Saturday night, but when it comes to friends in need, I always help them out. So, of course when Mike called me at 3 am saying he needed a ride from work, I said I'd be there soon. Something about a subway strike, apparently the company even shut the stations.

I put on my combat boots, since it was cold out, grabbed my car keys and headed out. In 15 minutes, I was at the door to the club where Mike worked at. I sent a quick text to him, letting him know I was there.

I got his reply almost instantaneously. "Come in, have a drink, I'm almost done! XO"

I sighed. He knew I hated clubs like this. I'd prefer going to a quiet bar rather than loud clubs, even if they were "gothic" clubs. "Fine! But you're buying." I texted back. One drink wouldn't hurt.

I got out of the car, making sure it was locked and headed inside. A mix of smoke and booze hit my nostrils and I coughed, making my way to the bar. The club was packed, so I knew for sure I wasn't staying long.

After elbowing my way out of the crowd, I finally made it to the bar. Mike was behind the counter, smiling when he saw me. "What can I get you?"

I tapped my fingers on the counter, settling on a Somersby. We didn't usually catch police on the way home, and I figured I wouldn't go over the alcohol limit anyways.

"I'm just waiting for my replacement, and then I'm free to go. Thank you so much for this, I had a fight with Aria, so she's not replying to my texts."

"What happened?"

"Same old, same old. She's jealous of every single girl I hang out with, even my own family."

"That sucks." I said, bringing the bottle to my lips, taking a sip. I turned back to the crowd, when Mike went to pour drinks for some guys. The lightning changed, illuminating two guys that were entering the club. Everyone seemed to stand back for a while, making way for them.

I heard Mike mutter "crap" as the guys sat in the VIP lounge overlooking the dance floor.

I turned back to Mike, raising my eyebrows.

"They're trouble, those guys. The Leto brothers. Steer clear of their way."

"Wasn't planning on going their way anyway. Although they do know how to make an entrance."  

"Yeah, they know how to cause trouble as well. People who get in their way have a tendency to... disappear."

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, it's as if they never even existed."

I raised my eyebrows again at his remark.

"Now, now, Cherrie, telling that scary story again?" a guy said, approaching us behind the counter. "Sorry I'm late. You must be Alexis. I'm Ryian, Mike's replacement."

"Nice to meet you." I said, smiling.

"You know it as well as I do it's not a story. It's the truth. I just gotta get my stuff. Meet you outside?"

"Yeah, see ya." I said "It was nice to meet you Ryian."

"You too, Cherrie!" he said, winking.

I picked up my drink and elbowed my way back through the crowd. Ugh I hated these clubs. I was finally so grateful to be outside, I didn't even look where I was going when I bumped into a strong chest, hands gripping my arms, stabilizing me. My grasp on the bottle lessened and it fell to the floor, shattering glass landing everywhere.

"Sorry." I said, looking up into hypnotizing hazel eyes. It was one of the brothers, but how could he have gotten here so fast? Last I checked they were inside.

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