He Could Never Love Me||Chapter One

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"No. You're just an assistant."

The words hit Jaehee like bricks. "But Mr. Han, I thought because I worked for you for so long-"

"Why would you be anything more than an assistant to me? Now do what I asked and get me my papers."

Jaehee's heart stopped. "Excuse me, I don't feel well." she said, walking out before Jumin could speak.

Jumin hung his head. "Why can't you just be honest with her?" he asked, scolding himself.

He sighed. Jaehee was so much more than an assistant to him. But what could he do? He was to get married to another girl in a week. And there was nothing he could do about that. Not when your father threatened firing the woman who truly owned his heart. He wanted to tell Jaehee. And he would. Tomorrow. Tomorrow would be the best life of his life. At least, so he thought.
Jaehee had left the building, ignoring the people who asked her what was going on. She had run. She ran away from it all. She went to her car and drove home. Maybe baking would take her mind off of things. At the same, a conversation was happening on the messenger.

707: Where's Jaehee? ^^

Yoosung: idk, do you jumin?

Jumin Han: ...

MC: Did you yell @ her?

Jumin Han: No...

Zen: What'd you do?!

MC: I bet he friend zoned Jaehee.

707: Here comes psychic MC again. What's my future?

Jumin Han: .....

MC: I predict... You secretly have depression and finally admit it to your true love. Then, you will create a Robocat for her, and destroy it later out of anger. You will find out that Unknown is actually your brother and has split personalities- Unknown, Ray, and Sarean. You will spend a lot of time looking for him, but get married to your love in the process.

707: Did you look up my route??

Yoosung: What?!

Jumin Han: I may have "friend zoned" Jaehee, as you call it.


Jumin Han: I just said that she was merely an assistant. And it's true.

MC: Or is it...?

707: ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Jumin Han: -_- Stop acting like children.

Yoosung: What about meh? D:

Jumin Han: You are a child.

Yoosung: :3

MC: Imma go look up pictures of my bae character, bye!

MC left the chatroom.

707: is it me??

Zen: So Jumin, whats the deal with you and Jaehee?

Jumin Han left the chatroom.
Jaehee smiled at her cupcakes. Baking was something she had enjoyed since as long as she could remember. "Baking..." she thought. She was reminded of an old dream she had to start a baking business. Now that she was thinking about it, it wasn't a half bad idea.
"Jaehee, I'm not usually this upfront with you. No... Assistant Kang- no, that's too formal."

Jaehee was in his room, reciting what he was going to say to Jaehee to Elizabeth the Third. She groomed herself. "It has to be perfect." he said, and started mumbling more things.

He finally stopped. "Yes." he said, smiling to himself.

He practiced over and over, until he knew it my heart.
Jaehee: Zen, do you think Jumin could ever love me?

Zen: I don't know. I have no idea what goes in that man's brain.

Jaehee: It's just... I don't know if I can take it. He always is cold, and just orders me to do everything. I'm going insane. And to think I ever liked him.

Zen: Why don't you just quit?

Jaehee: Excuse me?

Zen: If you hate your job so much, isn't it better to quit and pursue a career you enjoy?

Jaehee: I suppose. But am I just going to quit?

Zen: Well, yeah. Jumin can find someone else to mistreat.

Jaehee paused. She remembered something she had thought over before. Could she just quit, though? But what did her job give her right now? A broken heart?

Jaehee: That's not a bad idea.
"Where is Assistant Kang?" Jumin asked.

But none of his employees knew. He was going to ask her today, and he was supposed to have already. He went back into his office, and waited impatiently. As he was about to pick up his phone to call Jaehee, she walked in. "Assistant Kang!" he said, "I've been looking all over for you. Where were you?"

"I have something for you." Jaehee said, with an edge to her voice.

"What is it?" Jumin asked.

Jaehee handed him an envelope. He opened it and took out the paper inside, which read, Resignation Letter.

I Quit (Jaehee X Jumin Han)Where stories live. Discover now