The tires roll quickly down the road, "Five minutes and Im done with my shift...
Just this road and i can go home and watch the season finale of 'My Vigilante Academy'." Zack sighs as he throws some random shmuts trash in his truck and starts moving to the next house, the radio of the truck hums a familiar tune.The tune soon stops, to static.
"...fuck, there goes the music"
He tries to tune the station.
As he turns off the road, he looks up from the radio and-
He hit someone in the road.Running out he- almost gags.
The man-
Looks like hes been dead for years...---
That was 2 years ago this day,
A plague spread through the world and no cure to be found.
With the widespread of Zombies flooding the world, and a lack of internet,
Zachary (Zack) Maxwell is out on the streets, looking for other survivors.
He still checks on the street he encountered the first zombie, just to see if maybe a family- or anyone really, found the town, or is taking refuge.
Short Storyhave you ever wondered what happens when a garbage boy, tries to survive a zombie outbreak? no? ...oh.