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Yugi's POV
"Every fairytale has a happily ever after, sleeping beauty woke up after her prince kissed her, Cinderella was freed from her evil step mother, thanks to Prince Charming, and belle broke the curse on the beast, therefore turning him into a prince and I could go on and on. "All these stories have a happy ending, reality may not have the same plans for you. "You might be like... Cinderella! You may have a great start but then, suddenly, your perfect world is flipped but then you get your happy ending!" I listen to every word the teacher says. I've always loved fairytales, the princesses always find true love and always get their happy ending!

If only I could too...

As I left English, my crush, Yami, comes up to me. "Aibou, there's been something I need to say..." I quirk an eyebrow up and look at him confused, need to say... What could be wrong?... Did I do something bad?... Before I let all my negative thoughts consume me, I nod, indicating for him to continue. "I have liked you for a while now, and I'm wondering if you would like to start dating?" I stood there frozen. He likes me?... He likes me!? ...I'm so happy! This is the start to my fairytale!

If by fairytale, I mean horror story...

"I'd really like that..."

And like that four words completely shook my perfect little life...

Things started out ok... We would go on dates, we would study together and we kissed here and there, but we never took it to the next step. At first I didn't want to have make-out sessions because of how shy I would get but... I then agreed but then Yami didn't want them... It was only the occasional peck on the cheek... Things started to get worse... He didn't even want to be seen around me... We stopped going on dates, We stopped hanging out... I talked to Joey about it he said to give Yami time, he'll eventually bounce back... But he didn't... I finally wanted to know what was going on... I made a plan. I was going to study with Téa, or at least Yami thought that, what I was really going to do was go to his house, when he was 'busy'. I managed to convince Téa to say 'yes' to Yami if he asked her if we were studying. Everything was set. All I have to do now is wait...

What I saw is something I would never be able to un-see, the trust I had the day before will never be the same...

A/N: whew, that was a lot of hard work. Please don't judge this is my first book, it will suck! I will eventually re-write this but for now I will just edit here and there. I hope you enjoy this crappy prototype. This is also not edited very well, when I finish the book I will begin editing. Also my grammar sucks! Also I will try to update every Wednesday!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 10, 2019 ⏰

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