Movies In The Attic...

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        In the year of 2007, the Smith  family moved into a new home on Fisk Street. The house had a dark past that consisted of 4 other murders that have never been solved. The family began moving in right away. They were a family of five. Rich was the father, Maria was the mother, and there three kids David, Sean, and Ashley. While moving in, Rich was moving boxes to the attic when he found a blue box sitting in the middle of the floor. He walked up to it and the box read home movies. Rich picked up the box and carried it back downstairs to his office. He then called his wife into his office to look over the tapes. Maria just stood there and said "don't worry about it just throw them away". Instead of Rich throwing them away and listening to his wife. He kept them and set up a small sheet in his office so he could project them on it. Then suddenly when he was just about to watch the first one he heard a loud scream from his son Sean. Rich quickly got up and ran towards his sons new room. When he entered the room he saw that Sean was just having a nightmare or something. So he woke him up and brought him downstairs to eat some dinner. Everyone else had already started eating when the got there. It was a nice family meal in there  new home.

        After everyone finished, Maria started to clean up the dishes and put them away in the kitchen. Rich was supposed to put the kids to be until there was a knock at the door. Rich walked over to the door and opened it slowly. It was the neighborhood Sheriff. "Welcome to the neighborhood", said the Sheriff. "Thanks", said Rich. "I am suprised someone actually bought this property" ,said the Sheriff.  "Why do you say that", questioned Rich. "Since there were quite a few murders here that were never solved", said the Sheriff. " I was never told about these events" , said Rich. "Well I just got a call that I need care of ,but I will see you soon" said the Sheriff. "Goodbye", said Rich. Rich then returned inside and proceeded to put the kids to bed. After all the children have fallen asleep. Rich returned downstairs to speak with his wife about what the Sheriff has told him. Maria automatically worried about the past and if her family would be  in danger. For all the stress of finding out about the house Maria ran upstairs and decided to go to bed. So Rich went into his office and decided to start watching the films. Rich picked up the first old film that was titled The Home Theater. He placed the tape in the projector and pressed play. It showed a family of five watching a movie in there home theater. Then the video took an evil turn and by the end the whole families head's were chopped out except the one little girl with a purple bow in her hair. There was this creature in the back that looked like he was watching the family. Rich got scared of the creature and quickly shut off the projector and decided to go to bed. 

        During the night, there was a clicking sound coming from Rich's office. Rich awoke and proceeded to find out what it was. As he entered he office the projector that he shut off was on and kept repeating the part of the film where the family was killed. Rich quickly moved towards the projector to shut it off. When suddenly the part of the film came on where the creature was and it stopped right on the figure, and after about 20 seconds the projector shut off. Rich being in shock quickly left the room and went back to his bedroom to continue to sleep. Rich couldn't sleep the image of that creature kept floating through his mind. Finally it was morning again, Rich proceeded downstairs to make himself a cup of coffee. While making the coffee his three kids David, Sean, and Ashley came running down the steps. Lastly followed by his wife Maria. Rich made coffee from himself and his wife and prepared three nice bowls of cereal for him and his children. After breakfast the kids got dressed and decided to go and play outside. While the children were outside Rich thought this would be time to tell his wife about what happened last night and everything. "So last night I was working in my office and I started to watch on of those videos", said Rich. "I then shut the projector off and went to bed, but later that night someone or something turned it on", said Rich. "That's weird ever since we moved in I had a weird feeling about this house", said Maria. "Yeah when the sheriff was talking to me he told me that he was suprised that somebody actually bought this property. Since ther was apparently 4 murders that were never solved that happen here" , said Rich. "Wow you really just bought a house that could put our whole family in danger", screamed Maria. Then Maria stormed out of the kitchen and ran upstairs and slammed the bedroom door. "Why am I so stupid?" questioned Rich to himself. 

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 18, 2014 ⏰

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