Fear One: What If He Won't Like Me?

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Today was the day. I was feeling uneasy about it, but there was no turning back now. I was going to do it this time.

Ever since I was a little girl, I had always had a fascination with hybrids. I've always wanted one. But ever since I've wanted one, I've been building up a list of reasons why I'm scared to have one.

Now that I've actually had the guts to pull into the hybrid adoption center parking lot I'm starting to change my mind about this whole hybrid thing. I mean, what if my hybrid won't like me? I've heard they're loyal and loving but still, there's a chance they wont want to live with me.

I gulped and shook off my uneasy feeling. No. I'm not letting these stupid fears stop me from finally having the companion I've wanted since I was little. I started walking forward and pushed the door open.

"Good evening Ms. How may I help you today?" The receptionist at the desk asked, giving me a warm smile.

"Hello. I was looking to adopt a hybrid today." I replied, still trying to calm my nerves.

"Sure thing! Would you like to take a look at our more common animals, like the cats, dogs, and rabbits, or would you perhaps like to see more of our rarer hybrids?" The receptionist asked me.

I took a deep breath in, "May I please look at your rarer hybrids?" I said, hoping maybe she'd have a tiger or fox.

She nodded, "Follow me please."

She got up and took me to the back, unlocking a door and letting me in, "Take your time looking, let me know if you find one you like." She said, then walked off back to the front.

Okay, I can do this! Im already here and looking, so lets just hope for the best.

I began walking around looking at all the sweet little hybrids in their pins. I saw tigers, foxes, wolves, all the most beautiful and rare hybrids I've ever seen.

I was looking around smiling at all of them until suddenly I just stopped and made eye contact with the cutest little guy I've ever seen. He was the only one and he was looking at me with a little grin and a tired expression.

A sweet little koala, holding onto a branch that was in his pin. I felt a jolt of happiness run through my body. I could feel it. He was the one.

I went back to the front and told the receptionist I wanted the koala. She smiled at me again, "Ah yes, koalas are quite rare these days. The little guy in there is so sweet. Super smart too! I'll go get all of his things and him for you immediately. Can you please fill out this form while I go do that?" She said, handing me an adoption form to fill out.

I smiled and nodded, then took a seat and started filling it out. She came bacl with him and all his stuff just as I had finished.

The little guy was even cuter up close. She put his bag on the desk and smiled at me, "Here is his bag. Its got his clothes, toothbrush, and all his other essential needs in it." She told me, but I was too focused on the cute little sleepy looking koala who was latched onto the receptionist.

He turned his head and looked at me, then unlatched one arm from her side, then the other and started leaning towards me making grabby hands.

"Oh look, I think he really likes you. He wants you to hold him!" The receptionist happily stated, handing him over to me.

I took him into my arms and he snuggled his face into my chest.

"His name is Namjoon by the way." Was all I heard and the rest of my attention was all on my new little baby boy.

Me and Namjoon were both in my car riding home now. He was in the passenger seat all buckled up, but still in his animal form. He cost me a pretty penny but I think he was worth it.

I stopped at a red light and took my chance to look at him. He looked back at me and gave me a cute smile and a small squeak.

I think im in love.

My Baby Koala {Kim Namjoon X Reader}Where stories live. Discover now