Chapter 1 - New Neighbor

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"Ah, Sir, yes. Kindly put all the boxes there." A young woman with long slender legs said as she held her mobile phone near to her ears. Her short hair colored ash brown swayed as she turned around to the man who helped her.

"Sir, thank you for the services. Please also express my gratitude to your other co-workers." She said and bowed to express her utmost gratitude.

The man wearing a standard uniform of moving service company, bowed in response to her gratitude. "We also express our gratitude for choosing our company to help you, Ojou-san."

The young woman revealed her sweet smile, which embraced her perfect teeth.

The man once again bowed at her, "Until the next service, Ojou-san." Before the man leave the room, he looked back at her, "You have a good smile, kiddo! As a request of this old man here, how about you smile always?" The man smiled and waved his hand as a sign of farewell.

She was taken aback by what the man had stated. It has always been the same request of aged people she met, where 'how about you smile always' had already marked in her mind.

"Yuka!" Someone spoke through her mobile phone.

"Ouka-san! You finally answered my call!" She enthusiastically said.

"How's your condition at Tokyo?" The old voice of a woman questioned on the other line of phone.

She walked around the room and locked the main door. "I'm fine. Everything has been moved out here at the condominium."

Her mother sighed. "I'm glad. Yuka-chan, when you have free time, make sure you visit us here at our hometown, okay?"

Her breathing had momentarily stopped from what she heard. "Yes, Ouka-san. Maybe during my summer vacation I'll visit there."

"I know you're busy from your study. I'll hang the phone now. Take care of yourself and be a good daughter."

She threw herself at the sofa and reminisced her past self.

I'm not a good daughter anymore.

Her eyes started to shine, tears 5 ready to come out from her eyes as she closed her eyes and dozed off.

It was past 6 in the evening when she woke up.

Her hair was tousled, and her denim sundress paired with stripped off-shoulder top was disheveled when suddenly her stomach growled. She started fixing her messy self as she decided to go out to buy food from the convenience store.

Aaaahh, damn body, at this rate I'm really going to be sick.

Yuka went out from her condominium and went to the elevator. She was walking when she heard the other door opened, she turned around to look at the door and saw a young girl peeking out. She made eye contact with the young girl but ignored her gaze because she's really getting hungry every minute.

The elevator was on the 14th floor when a man stood beside him. Yuka paid no attention to him since her focus was on her mobile phone, and it was the same for the man too.

Her continuous ringing of notifications from her Twitter caught the attention of the man. He looked at her, trying to peek at her whole face, but only the side view of her face was seen.

The elevator finally arrived on the 19th floor, and just right after the elevator opened, a man shouted and tapped the shoulder of the man beside Yuka, "Gin!" which startled and made Yuka screamed.

The alarmed state of Yuka was observed by the man beside him. Thus, he bowed and apologized several times. "I'm sorry. He was a friend of mine. Once again, I apologize on behalf!"

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