Is this really happening or is it just a dream?

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"Liv when are you going to upload the video?" I called out to Olivia

"When are you going to edit the video?" Liv called back with a witty look in her eye because she knew that she had just out smarted me

Silence broke in the room when my phone went 'bloop' it was a twitter notification. I placed my phone down on the table not really bothered about it thinking it would just be another viewer asking us a weird question for our Q&A series this month. I picked up my laptop and started to edit the footage of Liv's every day makeup look. I thought to myself how I truly envy her eye liner skill.

I finally finished editing and i passed my laptop to Liv because the whole uploading bit is too technical for me!

I picked up my phone and looked at the twitter notifications that had popped up recently. One was there saying '#AskEmLia would you prefer to lick each others ears or each others toes? ' that question grossed me out a bit so I am not going to use that one. The second tweet was another question 'do you do each others hair and makeup each day or do you just do it on video #AskEmLia' I like this question even though they forgot the question mark! I then looked at the third and final tweet it said '#AskEmLia do you want to film a collab?'

It was from none other than Nash Grier himself!

I kept my cool in front of Olivia because I knew she would get over exited about this so I ran up to my room jumped on to my bed and did a silent scream and a weird wiggle dance on my bed. I was so exited that Nash Grier had just ask me a question for our Q&A series. Unsure weather he really meant it or if he was just joking I placed my phone on the overnight stand to charge went downstairs to make myself a bed time hot chocolate and grab some biscuits.

I popped the kettle on and Liv shouted "yes please" from the living room. I'm not trying to brag but basically I do make the best hot chocolates! Even Liv admits that! I made myself and Liv a hot chocolate and I got into my giraffe onesie and climbed into bed. I fell asleep watching a collab between Cameron and Nash 'trivia gone wrong'! Believe it or not being a YouTuber is a tiring job!


I woke up in the morning to the birds tweeting outside, I picked up my phone like I do every morning and looked at my twitter again! I had a notification. It was a new follower from non other than Nash Grier! I could not help myself, a little yelp left my mouth as I clicked on his profile. I instantly took a screen shot of it because it says 'follows you' next to his name and I posted it on Instagram. I am a massive fan girl at heart...

Liv ran into my room screaming


"OH MY GOD!! WHAT IS THIS" I shouted as i shuved my phone under Emma's nose. "It's a screen shot of Nash's twitter because he follows me AHHHHHHHH!!" Em screamed at me!

I started to hyperventilate badly as thoughts rushed into my head. Before I could stop myself words came rambling out of my mouth "ask Nash to get Cam to follow me" Emma simply replied "carm yourself down and go and make us some breakfast"

I ran down the stars singing as loud as I could belting out a herendus tune, happier than I thought I would ever be!


I picked up my phone again to continue browsing. A message came through on twitter front Nash saying 'I'm glad that your happy that I followed you! I saw your Instagram post! X'

I could not have been happier not only has Nash message me he also put a kiss! I spent the next two minuites doing a weird thumb dance over the keypad, trying to decide what to reply with. In the end I went for a sarcastic 'yeah I'm just a little bit happy! X'

I lay back on my bed gobsmacked, unsure weather this was really happening or if it was just a dream. I pinched my self hard and I certainly was not dreaming because my phone went bloop again. It was from Nash 'I'm glad your happy :) did you get my tweet? X' I tried to act cool and put a reply of 'what, the one for mine and Liv's Q&A? X' he replied with a simple 'yes' and a blushy emoji! My heart literally missed a heart beat as thoughts swirled through my head thinking that I could give Liv the perfect birthday present - Cameron Dallas!

An hour had passed and I had not touched my phone... I just lay there with a smile reaching from ear to ear. I got broke out of this dayes by my phone - bloop. It was another massage from Nash saying 'what do you think?' If my smile could have got any bigger, this is the time when it would! I did a weird wiggle dance on my bed and then pulled my self together and replied 'yes why not'

I ran down the stairs and ask Liv "how do you feel about going on holiday because I feel like we need a rewarding brake. What do you think?" Liv replied "why not" and I thought to myself 'let the planning commence!'

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