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Yo ugly a$$ fell doun and landed on sum shitty flowers. Suddenly a flower talks to ya: HoWdY NI**A! Wuzz poppin?! Want some dru- FRIENDLINESS PELLETS!
Yo took the pellets and hurt yoself.
A freaking big goat showed up and ciks da evil flower awaii. "YO NO FEAR GOAT MOMMY HERE!" She said and took yo dirty hand. Yo followed her tru some yello pissy snow. 2 frindli skeletoms introdused themselves as Pipiros and Snans. Yo look in Snans's empti eyeholes... OOF SO HAAAWWT!!1! After solving sum stoopid puzzles from Pipiros, a lesbian fishy folloud yo ni**a-a$$!
She tryd to put yo on her toofpick but you don't giv a f*ck and ran away. After roasting that b*ch yo arrived at a crazy anime fangurl dinosoure thing. Suddenly this transbot (Transgender+Robot) named Metatatatatatataton asked you sum damn popquiz questionz.

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