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It was middle of July and quite hot outside. The Potters and all the Weasleys were round Ron and Hermione's summer cottage having a nice time. The children were all upstairs messing around, especially as Hugo was showing them his new idea for a W.W.W product (he was very imaginative and creative so often helped out his dad and uncle George create new things). Then Rose decided to retreat to her room and read for a while as it was getting a bit too noisy for her liking.

Rose heard a scream from down the hall and immediately got up and ran over. Hugo had been sick on the floor. All the Potters/Weasleys were a mixture of shocked, disgusted or smirking. The adults obviously hadn't noticed the scream as they could still be heard talking loudly from downstairs. Rose walked into Hugo's bedroom and looked at him with concern for a moment.

"Aunt Hermione! Uncle Ron! Quick come up here!" Lily Luna Potter has said.

A loud clutter of footsteps came approaching up the stairs, the other adults were obviously curious as they had followed the two parents upstairs.

Lily and the rest of the Weasley/Potters (minus Rose and Hugo) had come out Hugo's room to explain the situation. They all started talking at the same time so Hermione said "stop stop stop, Albus can you explain what's happens please?"
"Sure aunt 'Mione, Hugo was showing us all his
new idea for W.W.W, so Rose got bored or something and went to her room to read. Hugo then went on to show us his new game on his new gaming pc and suddenly turned around and puked on the floor-"
"Hang on wait where are Rose and Hugo now?" Asked Ron. "They're both in there still"

"Hugo honey are you all right? Can you come out here please?" Hermione called.

The door opened and Hugo came out slowly with a pale face and holding his stomach. Rose came out after with a hand on his shoulder.

Immediately Hermione ran and picked him up muttering words like "are you okay? What happened? Oh my poor sick baby boy" the adults all looked sympathetic and the woman all came over to try and help Hermione out.
"Ron go clean up Hugo's floor please" Hermione said, giving him a kiss on the cheek and heading to the kitchen, Hugo still in her arms, with all the woman following her. Rose was about to run down the stairs but the men stopped her, Harry to be specific.
"Rosie posy, why are you suddenly really worried about your brother? I know your his big sister and all, but I've never seen you really worry about him before, heck, I've seen your cousins worry more about him than you at times!"
"It's-its's just, this isn't a normal illness. The same thing happened to Hugo a few months ago and only I noticed. Hugo pleased me not to tell anyone.."
"There was something wrong with his sick the first time when I saw it in the toilet whilst up going to use it. It was like red...blood. Just pure blood. The reason I went into his room a minute ago with him is because I went to see if it was the same.. it was. There were no signs he had been eating recently in it- although he does, he eats like dad- and it just was blood."
"Rosie, do you know why? You have your mothers brains, you must have an answer of some sort?" This time it was Ron who had asked. "No dad I don't."
There was a large belching noise from downstairs and Hugo had been puking blood again. The rest of the adults -and Rose- went downstairs.
"Ron he's been puking blood" said Mrs Weasley.
"I know, Rose has just told us it's happened before"
Rose looked up at Hugo for any signs of him feeling betrayed but he was too weak to show anything. Ron walked over to Hermione and put an arm around her waist and stroking Hugo's hair with the other. "Ron have you cleared up his mess on the floor upstairs?"
"oh no sorry. I'll go do that."
"Don't worry I've already done it" said Mrs Weasley. She really was the best grand mum ever.

Hermione turned to the rest of the adults and said "I s'pose you don't want your children catching this. Looks quite bad-"
"No mum, it's not contagious. It happened to Hugo a few months ago too."
"It's..been..h-happening a long..t-time actually"
Hugo aid weakly.
"Okay I've had enough I'm taking him to St. Mungos. Ron if you want come and bring Rose with you" Hermione said as she disapparated . Ron soon followed with Rose and a quick "sorry" to everyone else. Harry and Ginny were also really concerned to asked if they could come too. They left their 3 with uncle George and aunt Angelina for the night.

Hugo Weasley And The Inherited CurseWhere stories live. Discover now